My hair is breaking


New Member
Last touch up I decided to try a new salon. A couple of collegues with awesome hair recommended a particular salon to me. Well I got confused and went to the wrong one as there were two salons in that same plaza. The name of the salon wasn't on the window due recent vendalism and I assumed that this was the salon. I realized it was the wrong salon because the stylist told me I waited too long to get my retouch and I was only 8 wks posts. The salon that was recommended to me actually promotes stretching relaxers to 3 to 6 months. Also the salon that I was supposed to go to uses paul mitchell relaxer, this lady used vitale. By the time I realized this the relaxer was already in my hair and there was nothing I could do. When she finished applying the relaxer I realized that she overlapped it. Then she left it in my head and went outside to talk. When she walked back in I asked her about rinsing it out and she said my hair was really course and needed it to stay in. I was panicing inside, but didn't say anything else. I figured it must have been a very mild relaxer becaused I washed my hair on thursday, had it relaxed on saturday and my scalp was not burning at all. Usually my scalp is on fire by now. I kept telling myself "it's very mild, it's very mild." When she was styling my hair she put grease on it and then flat ironed it. After it was all done I went to the restaurant next door and the cashier asked me if I just got my hair done, I said yes, she said "I can smell it" (That's how I got confused, I thought I was told that it was next to the restaurant) As I drove out of the plaza I saw the salon I was suppose to go to and it made me sick to my stomach. I must admit I loved the style that she gave me and she was not all scissor happy. Over the last few weeks I've noticed that my strands felt really thin. I was shedding alot but that has been an ongoing problem for months with me. The last couple of weeks I've noticed breakage. Last time I washed my hair it felt wierd, it was thick around the edges but really thin in the middle. I just noticed a couple of days ago that I've lost the hair on the nape, I only have negrowths there. I also noticed a little breakage around the crown. When I wear my hair straight I can see right through the strands.

The only reason I'm not crying right now is because I'm gonna be starting mega tek this week. My order should be coming in the mail on wednesday but I found a store 5 minutes from my job that carries it and I will be starting on it this afternoon. I plan on deep conditioning with it and also using it as a leaving. Then putting on my scalp at night. When my strands strengthen I'll wean back to just using it on my scalp, and maybe conditioning with it once every 2 wks.

If this doesn't work I don't know what I'm gonna do. I did a big chop this exact same time last year. I don't want to lose a whole year of progress. But at the same time my hair looks and feel like feathers. When it's in a rollerset it doesn't look so bad. My hair's short but thankfully the breakage doesn't go up too far so the rest of my hair covers it.

If the mega tek stops the breakage and I can manage my newgrowths then I think I'm gonna stretch my relaxer till I have a good amount of growth. That way with my next retouch even if they have to trim alot maybe I can at least maintain the same length. If not then big chop it is. I'm feeling quite depressed right now. I need a shoulder to cry on. Anybody?
OMG I'm so sorry this happened to you! How traumatizing!!! How are you with protein treatments? Have you tried using Aphogee? I would wait until the Mega Tek comes in just in case that stops the breakage. You might have to get a trim. I would recommend you see the correct stylist you were originally gonna go to and ask them for an assessment. I'm sure the relaxer wasn't mild at all. That happened to me years ago and I ended up having to cut my hair.
Not trying to bash you but you know what you did wrong, right?

Don't let it happen again. Speak up. It's your hair.

You already taking the right steps to correct it so don't fret so much but also don't blame the stylist. My stylist is great but i got a scalp burn on the last relaxer because it was MY fault.

I didn't tell the **** to take this stuff out of my hair quick enough and base me up really well. So because I didnt speak up, it is MY FAULT. And i can't blame scalp/hair problems on her.

Good luck with your hair and the next time, be more direct w/ ANY stylist. Talk to her before she sits you in the chair about what relaxer do you use, take a quick inventory of her products, if something aint right then say something about it whether it makes u look like a crazy lady in the shop or not!

You hair is now suffering because of YOU, not her.

I also ordered some Mega Tek.
I am so sorry to hear that! :bighug: However, it seems by your post that you already have a plan of action. I am not personally familiar with MegaTek, but it seems like a lot of ladies who use it have reported some success. Perhaps you could try lightly oiling your scalp with Jamaican Black Castor Oil once a week or so, and/or deep conditioning or pre-pooing with it. It's supposed to thicken the hair.
I know how you feel!
I have had my fair share... no wait... I have had quite an unfair share of bad hair experiences due to relaxers :nono:.
Like you, my nape is a lot shorter than the rest of my hair due to overprocessing.
Now all we can do is learn from our mistakes and experiences and try and fix the problem!
It's good that you're going to start with the Mega Tek, but you could also try massaging the scalp with oils or an oil/essential oil mix... (peppermint and rosemary are good for stimulating the scalp).
Also, concentrate on the damaged area when conditioning and deep conditioning.
I'm not sure how you'll be wearing your hair, but because my hair is covered, I cornrow my nape and its been growing nicely :yep:.
Keep your hair moisturised (and seal if you wish) and keep your hair tied up at night. If you wear a scarf, tie the knot at th front, not the back because you'd be suprised how you can damage the nape area with head scarfs.
After your well needed relaxer stretch, you can relax the nape last too to prevent over processing!

Hope this helps a bit.
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I am so sorry this happened to you. You should call out that salon you went to in the Salon review forum just to make sure no one else gets their hair mistreated...

With that said, I think Mega-Tek will probably help you, but remember that it is loaded with protein and if you are not careful, you might overload your strands. Start slow and then work your way up. As suggested earlier, use some other essential oils as well and don't forget to incorporate some moisturizing conditioners into your reggie as well.

Good luck and I hope it all works out!
Yeah I agree, you should try to go to the salon you meant to go to so they can tell you how bad the damage really is and at least give you more options on fixing the problem. I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Sorry this happened to you :sad: Maybe it might be worth your time to learn how to self relax?

I've been learning it and doing it over the past year and my hair hasn't been this healthy since I've had chemicals in my hair (the past 18 years).

I just go slow and I'm real gentle. It's my hair and no one will care for it like me. Please do think about this.

I've also had my fair share of salon horror stories. That's why I only go twice a year for a trim.
I totally agree. I believe that protein would be helpful and I sure a couple of extra DCs won't hurt. I didn't know that Mega Tek is a protein treatment, I may have to consider trying it in the future. Keep us posted.
I did a keraphuse treatment a couple weeks ago, followed by a moiturizing conditioner. At the time I only noticed shedding. Maybe that's why the breakage isn't as bad, from past experience I know it could've been worse.

I tried self relaxing already, that's how I lost my collar bone length hair. My hair was long, thick and healthy, then I decided to self relax. I followed hair boards and got plenty of tips on how to do it but it was a never ending breakage and growth cycle. I persisted with it for about 1 yr and a half before I gave up and started to go back to the salon. Since going back to the salon I've kept hair on my head but it hasn't always been healthy and it definately has not made it back to even shoulder length much less collar bone.
I don't know what it is about salons, but I tend to not say anything either. I had one woman comb my hair with the smallest comb in the world. Yes my naps! I didn't say anything, I don't even know why because I'm not the kind of person to sit there and stay quiet :ohwell: I'm sure you'll never go there again. Your hair needs some TLC. If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure many women here could write a book on salon horror stories.
I didn't even read your entire post. Whatever the reason your hair is breaking, this will stop the breakage: Mizani Rose H20 Night Time Treatment. Use it as directed for 2 weeks. Continue your normal regimen or whatever regimen you'll be using to nurse your hair during that 2 weeks. sorry, as I can totally relate. I took my tracks out on Friday and knew then that I had breakage. My hair WAS shoulder length. Well, my hair was over processed. Before the tracks, my hair was shedding and breaking too. I was so in denial. I had some serious growth and breakage. Can't have both. Well, the truth hurts, and not saying you should do this, but I just said fuggedabout it and got it trimmed. She trimmed me all wrong because my hair was different lengths in different areas. Sooooo, I will be a slave to the senegalese twist for a whole entire year or more until it is healthy again. I don't even want to SEE my hair anymore. I literally cried yesterday and was so in my feelings. Meanwhile, like you, I will be using my mega tek cell builder and their avocado leave in and shampoo. I will use their whole line since my hair will be in twist.

On the brighter side of things, I don't have to worry about doing my hair anymore since I do workout 5x a week and having the twists will save me time in the mornings.
I think she left your perm on to long. And it thinned out your hair at the root. Keep in mind that when it does start to re grow those areas will still be weak because the dermation line where she relaxed and the regrowth starts will be very thin.

Kind of like because she started out in the middle of your hair that is where you processed the longest.

If she did do that your next retouch needs to start in a differant area.
Thanks for the replies, support, and suggestions. I went out and got my mega tek. I'm deep conditioning with the rebuilder now. I also got the rehydration spray and th survivor detangler. I figure if I'm gonna be stretching then I definately need something to help detangle the naps so I don't run into more breakage. I'll post my review on the mega tek challenge thread.
Ok, I used my horsie supplies. My review is in the challenge thread but I just had to say that my shedding/breakage had been reduced by 90%. I've been running my hands through my hair since I styled it and I don't hear any snapping, it's not falling all over my back, and I'm not standing in a pool of my own hair. I'm so excited. :woot::rofl::circle::pepper::reddancer::wow::bounceline::headspin::bouncy::trampolin:clap: