My hair is breaking!


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
My hair is breaking off like crazy and I don't know what the problem could be. It breaks when I wash it, comb it, finger comb it... All the time :( Here's my regimen: I wash twice a week. The first wash, I pre poo with CPR and wash with NTM poo and daily con. The second wash, I pre poo with Queen Helene Cholesterol w/Ginseng and wash with NTM poo and daily con. Every day, I moisturize with NTM leave in and I baggy daily with Profectiv and castor oil. What do you ladies think the problem is? HELP!!!
What does your hair feel like after it dries? Stop using the CPR for awhile and see what happens. Perhaps it's too much protein?
Honi said:
What does your hair feel like after it dries? Stop using the CPR for awhile and see what happens. Perhaps it's too much protein?[/quote]
Maybe you're washing too much? Have too many products in your rotation? It could be one of your individual products.
Thanks for the replies, ladies! To answer your questions, I'm about 5 weeks post relaxer. My hair is very soft and bouncy, not at all dry or brittle. It's also not mushy or anything. I'm at a loss :(
How hard are you handling your hair?

This might sound like a stupid question, but i notice the harder I handle my hair the more likely it is to break. I tell myself to handle my hair like I would handle "a new born baby girl's hair." Sometimes I am too ruff!

Also, how wet is your hair feeling once you remove your baggie? Are you combing the baggied hair?
It could be a combination of the baggying and products that your using that's breaking your hair off - I say that only because my hair used to break off when I used to baggy a long time ago. I used to baggy with world of curls activator or something similar to that and my hair would break off. Also, profectiv has protein in it; so it could be the combination of that and the CPR that could be causing a protein overload.
Everyone's hair is different on this board, but the advice you're getting from the previous responses is good. Mine would be to stop the CPR for a minute (protein overload), wash only 1 time a week (at the most), stick to one shampoo, conditioner and hair moisturizer and see what happens.

This will at least help you to see what is causing it and what is not causing it.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too. Even the slightest hair breakage can be a huge deal to the head it belongs to.
I had the same problems when I used NTM, the moment I stopped using it, the breakage stopped as well. I was using my homemade moisture mix & NTM and my hair seemed to be breaking/shedding like crazy. It went back to "normal" once I cut out the NTM
I also found that NTM was not a good moisturiZer for me--my hiar was breaking when using it too.

I switched to ORS Olive Oil cream and it is the bomb moisturiZer.

I would do like was posted and really simplify ur reggie for a few weeks so u can find the culprit behind the breaking. cut out the CPR(to see if it is too much protien), wash and condition once a week and not comb by still damp just outta baggie hair. (and also see if doing the baggie is doing more harm than good. I found my hair did well when i did the baggie with really moisturized hair rather than wet hair)

Good luck!!
Hi there!

I'm pretty new to the board, but this is something that I have experience in. I used to do weekly deep conditioning with a heavy protein (the kind that are in tubs). When my hair started breaking badly, I went to a stylist who was often quoted in Essence Magazine at that time - Leslie Louard Davis. Leslie told me that I was suffering from protein overload and she explained that I should only condition with lighter moisturizing proteins. I love AO GPB and if I need anything more than that I use a creamy reconstructor like Joico K-Pak. HTH.

Be blessed.