My hair is breaking (popping) off.


New Member
Hi Everyone.

I'm having a problem with my hair, Its just breaking off left to right. I have split ends, mid stands splits and all that bad stuff. I really don't know what to do because I usually wear a weave. I've been completley natural for about 3.5 years now and this is almost the first time I'm dealing with this.
Yes.. I wash and deep condition weekly.
I also M&S
Use growth oil (sulfur based) and all that.
I use eggs as my protien treatment. Should I do something harder??
I want to put a weave back in, but I want to handle this situation first.
Lay off the eggs for now... Before you use protein... What are you using to shampoo, condition and DC?
Along with what @NikkiGirl asked, what kind of DCs are you using? How long have you been using the sulfur based products? Have you been focusing on moisture retention since we're in the dry winter months?

Here are a couple of tried and true suggestions that I have found to be very helpful:

Use Good Protein Treatments

An intense product like ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment can stop a lot of breakage in its tracks. Alter Ego Garlic Oil Treatment really helped with my shedding and breakage. If you want a good natural protein treatment try this simple greek yogurt DC recipe.

Use Moisturizing Shampoos and Conditioners

Moisturizing shampoos and conditioners make your hair less likely to snap under the pressure of daily combing and brushing.

Use Protective Styles

Keep your hair in protective styles to help shield it from the air and other elements that make split ends form faster.

Use Silk and Satin at Night

Silk or satin pillowcases and head ties are the only things that should come in contact with your hair while you sleep. These fabrics don't 'catch' your hair and make it break off.

Get a Trim

Stop split ends from traveling up the hair shaft by trimming them off. Don't trim if you don't need it. What's the point of cutting healthy hair?
Please be careful with the protein...think if you have been using mainly protein products. If you have, you may have excessively dry hair because of excessive use of protein. If that is the case then concentrate on moisture products.
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It may be a combination of the cold weather and the sulfur that you're using. Sulfur can really dry out your hair if you aren't careful.

How often do you use the egg? Being a natural head, you may not need that much protein.

When was the last time you clarified/chelated?
I will get back when I get home from work. I'll put some pictures in and all that good stuff.
Just for now.
I think I've always had bad ends put like I'm almost always under a weave. This is the first time I had my hair out for the past four months. (again I had a weave in for 17 weeks straight)
I shampoo with almost whatever. (CON, HE HH and Loreal sulfate free something).
I'll use ORS or Abba conditioner for a few hours and HE HH on the hair (Arjuni).
Growth oil has JBCO, PPO, Rosemary, Doo grow and some Indian Oil.
The last 3 weeks with my weave in I didn't M&S or wash (Bad Bad I know).
I clarified when I took my weave down with Suave's Clarifying Shampoo.

Thats all for now. My boss is burning a hole through my back
i once went to a woman off and on for a year and got sew-ins from her. when i went to my regular stylist for trims she would have to trim off lots. we realized that the other stylist was making my cornrows too tiny because in her mind it equated to a flatter weave which is not true. i retained no length that year. also buy thread that is coated with wax as well, a friend of mine switched to this type of thread and saw less splits as well.