My hair is behaving strangely - HELP!!!!


New Member
I have a very unusual problem. I usually will straighten my hair with heat to trim away any split ends. Here’s the problem. I haven’t put any heat to my hair in about a year and it seems that my hair has gone somewhat crazy. When I use the straightening comb to straighten it, it will straighten the whole strand with one sweep (the 3b section) and then the hair will just wave up. It does not kink up or curl up, it waves up. As in big fat waves. It will not hang straight for anything. Do any of you know what is going on.
I'd like to know about this as well. It kind of reminds me of when I went a whole summer with no heat only wash n go and when I tried to straighten my hair again it looked like I was electricuted. I am currently into about month 4 of no heat and I have some concerns about how my 3c/4a hair will react when I do try to straighten it out.
Did you change your products and develop a new hair regimen while you were on your heat diet? Go from relaxed to natural? What you do to your hair overtime sort of teaches it how to behave, you may have trained your hair to be heat resistant, maybe using another product or straightening by the Dominicans or like the Dominicans will have to be your option for getting it how you want it.
Edie said:
I have a very unusual problem. I usually will straighten my hair with heat to trim away any split ends. Here’s the problem. I haven’t put any heat to my hair in about a year and it seems that my hair has gone somewhat crazy. When I use the straightening comb to straighten it, it will straighten the whole strand with one sweep (the 3b section) and then the hair will just wave up. It does not kink up or curl up, it waves up. As in big fat waves. It will not hang straight for anything. Do any of you know what is going on.

It could be that your hair has so much moisture that it may take a little more heat to straighten it than what it has been use too. Try a pressing cream or pressing wax if you want to use the pressing comb. A ceramic flat iron does just as good with getting the hair straight. Gives good results on natural or relaxed hair.
Hope that this is helpful.

Malice said:
Did you change your products and develop a new hair regimen while you were on your heat diet? Go from relaxed to natural? What you do to your hair overtime sort of teaches it how to behave, you may have trained your hair to be heat resistant, maybe using another product or straightening by the Dominicans or like the Dominicans will have to be your option for getting it how you want it.

No, when I say I can’t get it to hang straight, I mean just that. The hair straightens very easily when heat is applied it. It just will not hang straight down my back. It just starts to wave up. Forming huge loose curls, if you know what I mean. The only change that I have had in my diet is that I am eating more fish, salmon primarily. And I am using liquid amino acids (twinlab) and my daily multi is now taken in liquid form (Emergen-C). I am also drinking more water. But I don’t think that would cause the complete change in the way my hair reacts to heat, would it?
Edie said:
No, when I say I can’t get it to hang straight, I mean just that. The hair straightens very easily when heat is applied it. It just will not hang straight down my back. It just starts to wave up. Forming huge loose curls, if you know what I mean. The only change that I have had in my diet is that I am eating more fish, salmon primarily. And I am using liquid amino acids (twinlab) and my daily multi is now taken in liquid form (Emergen-C). I am also drinking more water. But I don’t think that would cause the complete change in the way my hair reacts to heat, would it?
Hello Ladies---just keep on pressing it once a week. That will fix it. Back in the "olden days" we called this 'training' your hair. Once your hair gets trained it will lay nice like you want it too. Each time it will get better. Or if you cant wait for it to get trained, i suggest trying a nice chi iron or H2o which i love.
I do not apply heat to my hair that often. I guess I will have to learn to live with waves, because I am definitely not going to use heat on my hair every week or every month for that matter. Thanks anyway!