My hair is a HOT MESS...And I'm HAPPY About it! =)


Well-Known Member
WOW! That's all I can say. I feel so truly blessed to have found this forum (which was totally by accident by the way) So I took a shower this evening and air dryed my hair as usual...Oh my gosh!:eek: In the last 2 weeks I've grown a TWA undeath my relaxer! I always bun my hair so I never really noticed. Well, I measure a couple of days ago and measure 1/2' NG in the front (and also discovered the front is 4a) Well, even I was skeptical about my results! I thought maybe I had underprocessed or something. But not the back. The back was BONE STRAIGHT. Well not anymore. I measured the back and I already have a FULL INCH of NG!:eek: :eek: :eek: The back is an obvious 4b. What's most miraculous about this is the back just never grows. I always thought it grew out straight because I would be 8 weeks post and still no kinks.. NOW the back is outgrowing the front! I don't even want to talk about the KITCHEN! It is so THICK and full! I have also decided NOT to go natural (no diss to my natural sistas, but I'm a little on the obsessive-compulsive side and having 2 different hair type on my one head would drive me NUTS!:lol: Plus, I'm lazy which is why the no manipulation part was easy for me!)

I am really excited because my hair journey is just beginning! I can't wait to see where I am 3, 6, and 12 months from now! Another answered prayer! I prayed and asked God that I could grow long, thick, healthy, beautiful hair and He led me here! How awesome is that!
I had a spot that would not grow for years before I found this forum so I know what you are talking about except mine was short, broken off, and damaged from over-processing. It stayed stick straight and never had the slightest kink of new growth and then I found LHCF and I swear to goodness it seems like that spot kinks up before any other on my head! A sign of good things coming. HE does answer prayers.:grin:
Congratulations K! Keep it up! I know what you mean. I can see a definate difference in my hair over the past couple of months. I started "mending my ways" in August and found this site in early October. I am thrilled with my progress. The ladies here are so encouraging and hearing the exciting stories of others ladies' progress keeps me motivated when I'm feeling a little impatient.

God's been answering my prayers too! Remember, every hair on our heads is numbered. He told us to cast ALL our cares on Him for He cares for us. And if that's the case, then He cares about the little things too--even poo, con, wrapping, baggying, cw, oiling, surging... :lol:

Happy growing!
Thats really great girl! Im so happy for you! :) Isnt it awesome when you finally start to see the fruits of your labor!!???

Keep up the great growth!!! :grin:
gurl you got me running in here thinking your hair was banged up or something. oh well. i peeked in your album and you're so pretty! cute kids btw.
You have definitely given me hope. I pray over my hair everyday and I know that we have not because we ask not, so you are my confirmation that God even answers hair prayers!!!!!
God's been answering my prayers too! Remember, every hair on our heads is numbered. He told us to cast ALL our cares on Him for He cares for us. And if that's the case, then He cares about the little things too--even poo, con, wrapping, baggying, cw, oiling, surging... :lol:

You are TOO funny! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: