My Hair Hates Every Product!! Help!

Last week I attempted the curly primer method of leaving in rinse out conditioner and brushing the hair etc. Total bust! It felt positively like misery and looked like crap so before it dried I was back in the shower. Right after, I tried KCCC. I liked it at first especially compared to the curly primer method but once it dried as with all products my hair felt suffocated. I have frizzy, weightless heat damaged hair that seems to reject every product I try in any amount. It seems that everything I put in suffocates it and makes it dull and hard and just hideous. But I can't do naked hair either since my hair is so weightless and fine. It needs weight but hates products that give it weight,,, a catch 22 situation. I really need some help in finding a lightweight product that will still give it weight. I resorted to straightening yesterday and I like it straight but I hate damaging it constantly and today is rainy so I have to deal with humidity :(. I feel like I've tried everything but my hair just says no. I can barely even use heat protector for flat ironing because if I dare use too much my hair will be dull and dry. If I use barely anything it's shiny and silky. My hair is a heat damaged 3b btw. HELP!!!

Hopefully those with more knowledge than I will be able to help you. A picture of your hair would probably be helpful.
How did you use the KCCC? I have to use conditioner with KCCC. I also only use a very small amout of KCCC, maybe a quarter size for my entire head. Anything more than that and I have white flakes all over the place.

What is your regime? What other products are you using?
From what I've learned hair that has been heat damaged can't be repaired which is why no matter what product you use your hair doesn't look and or feel right. If it was me I would cut it and go into a ps immediately so I won't be in shock from cutting so much hair. While in ps baby your hair with dc,massages etc.
Good luck
BTW: do u have pics?
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Last week I attempted the curly primer method of leaving in rinse out conditioner and brushing the hair etc. Total bust! It felt positively like misery and looked like crap so before it dried I was back in the shower. Right after, I tried KCCC. I liked it at first especially compared to the curly primer method but once it dried as with all products my hair felt suffocated. I have frizzy, weightless heat damaged hair that seems to reject every product I try in any amount. It seems that everything I put in suffocates it and makes it dull and hard and just hideous. But I can't do naked hair either since my hair is so weightless and fine. It needs weight but hates products that give it weight,,, a catch 22 situation. I really need some help in finding a lightweight product that will still give it weight. I resorted to straightening yesterday and I like it straight but I hate damaging it constantly and today is rainy so I have to deal with humidity :(. I feel like I've tried everything but my hair just says no. I can barely even use heat protector for flat ironing because if I dare use too much my hair will be dull and dry. If I use barely anything it's shiny and silky. My hair is a heat damaged 3b btw. HELP!!!

Then you want to simplify for a while. Just use shampoo, conditioner, you can use a separate leave in conditioner or use some of your regular conditioner. Some people like to soak their hair in coconut or olive oil overnight then wash it out. These things will improve the condition of your hair and give it the weight you're looking for.

Do not cut your hair at all! I think you need oil/moisture balance. Try the Ethiopian ghee method...yes, butter and wrap in plastic nightly then conditioner wash in the morning. The smell...but the results! It'll take a good month for the full effect. Then one month on, one month off.

First though, I'd use an earth product for reconstruction. Try Excelsior Millenium Mud from Sally then start the butter treatments. I think your hair can be repaired. Avoid heat. Use avocado butter or another light butter (not ghee) for styling control. You should probably bun for awhile. Don't cut.
I was having and issue with products for a while. I realized that rinsing your hair properly under warm water for about 3 minutes before shampooing and conditioning works for me. Try and see if that works. do no over use products.
Shahla, I had the same sentiments as hair4romheaven, but it's nice to see that there might be some remedies (I am intrigued by the butter one).

I did want to suggest that while trying to figure out what to do with your hair, wearing it in elegant updos may help you get through this trying time. I know you want to see if it will have swing without looking dull or getting stiff/hard...but perhaps you can just find a do that kinda hides what you're hating about it (buns or French roll with braid out tresses framing your face, whether stiff or not. People will admire not come to feel them so only you need know). Then on the weekends you can try out some of these experiments.

Doing it in the week (assuming you work outside the home) can be so stressful coz you haven't got all the time in the world to get it right. And this way, new healthy hair will be growing quietly while you're not even aware and in time you will be able to trim away gradually the less than perfect hair w/o losing length.

I am wondering when is the last time you clarified? I asked because the whole "dull and lifeless" and the fact that your hair is not responding well to other products statement you made rings a bell... When I run into this I realized that it was time to clarify. It was a big help!

Be advised that after clarifying your hair will be stripped and in need of moisture. I usually follow this with a moisturizing DC and I try to avoid cones to stop build up.

Also cut back from the heat, try doing it once a month. Then stretching your heat use to once every 3 months until you hair improves. Also another tip you can start immediately is air drying, I dont know if you use blowdryers...but cutting back on use really helps with moisture retention. Dry your hair in plaits or twits and style once 90% dry....I find this also helps the appearance of hair.

Also for a lightweight product to give your hair weight...try pre-pooing with oils and only co-washing the oil out.... I gives the hair a lil weight. I like to pre-poo with a mix of coconut oil,grapeseed oil and Wheat Germ oil... I love the sheen it gives my hair... but be advised, Wheat germ oil is kind of heavy so stay with lighter oil till you know what your hair can and cant handle

last but not least...after you clarify...introduce your your regular styling products one by one so you can identify what is causing your hair to act like this so you can eliminate it and find a better alternative.
I agree, I think clarifying might be the word of the day. I think the heat might have also robbed your hair of ceramides.You can read more about ceramides by clicking here

Use something for porosity (porosity control, maybe)
Deep moisture condition (add an oil with ceramides)
a good leave in
PS for a while
Your hair is similar to my twin daughters' and my mom bought them an InStyler so they could do their own hair (HUGE MISTAKE) they're only 11 and they have long hair. I ended up cutting about 4 inches off and doing a serious deep condition with WGO and Lustrasilk's Olive oil Cholesterol. I started that about 6 wks ago and am doing it weekly. They were pissed because I wasn't flat ironing it anymore until it got in better condition. But they got used to rocking PS of buns and curly ponytails (high, low and off center behind the ear) I co-washed it for 4 wks with WGO added to their conditioner (Tre'semme Smooth & Silky) and applied EVCO to air dry it braided up or big twists.
Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 Miracle worker was a miracle worker for taming their fly aways too.
So last week I finally clarified, air dried w/ EVCO & flat ironed with the Silk Elements Olive Oil Heat Protectant and all of that seemed to have brought it back to life. I still have about 2 to 3 inches of heat damage to cut but it is in better condition.

I'm sorry I don't have any current pics of how their hair was 6 wks ago to now. But you can check my Fotki to see their hair from early on and now
Thanks for all the tips ladies. As far as clarifying, I clarify often with Kenra Clarifying Shampoo. I figure I wash my hair too much actually and dry it out but if I don't wash it very thoroughly it feels dirty.

Volver_Alma_Gitana.... I will have to look into those treatments. The mud treatment seems promising.
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UPDATE: I decided to try a couple of new products this wash. I used one of my normal shampoos but afterwards I used Dove Intensive Repair conditioner and Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor (not the one that hardens), both products I have never used before. My hair was VERY happy afterwards! I also used Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol as a leave in and my hair seems to love it! I guess I just needed to try some new products, my hair can get sick of things sometimes. I looked for the Millenia Mud at Sally's but they don't carry it anymore.....