my hair has been really dry lately..


New Member
And I have no idea what to do with it.. I wish it was long enough to just throw in to a pony tail but it's not.

I shampoo & deep condition with ORS hair mayonnaise once a week.
I clarify once a month
& Co-Wash everyday, sometimes every other day with Suave tropical coconut.
&I use ORS hair fertilizer on my scalp since it's the only thing that doesn't end up making my head itch.

I've been doing that since I BC'd but now my hair is not feeling how it used to feel :perplexed What should I do? :perplexed
I think you need a more moisturizing deep conditioner!

ORS mayo is a good product, but it has a good amount of protein in it. Maybe alternate it with a good moisture rich dc... like AO honeysuckle rose.

Do you use leave in and oil?

Your hair sure looks pretty anyway!
Alot of naturals leave in regular cone free conditioner and seal it with an oil for a leave in. I do that with my daughters hair and their hair stays moisturized.
You may need to clarify. If you are cowashing daily your hair should not be dry. Or you may need protein...
Try using a steam treatment for your deep conditioning and then after you rinse be sure to add your leave-in and seal with oil.

Check out this thread for more information on the steam treatment.
:brainfog:Steam Treatment
i think you need better products AND a leave in. co washing everyday kept my hair nice and soft but i used a leave in and sealed with an oil.
you need a more moisturizing conditioner than the ORS.
What kind of shampoo are you using on the day you don't co-wash?

Is it sulfate-free? It is a moisturizing poo?

Do you pre-poo on the days you use shampoo?

The ORS Mayo is a moderate protein. For me, I HAVE to follow up the Mayo with a moisturizing DC. I usually use the ORS Replenishing. There are some who use the Mayo weekly with no issues. I'm not sure whether they follow up with moisturizing cons though.

Is your hair protein friendly? If not, you could be doing more harm than good with the Mayo everyweek.

I would decrease the protein and increase the moisture then see if your hair starts to feel differently.

Also, everyone's hair doesn't agree with cheapies. Maybe you could try to co-wash with something else.

Are there a lot of cones in the Suave?

Of course whatever you do, you want to clarify first, that way you can start with a clean slate.

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Thanks everyone.
MariposaSexyGirl what oil do you use on your daughters hair.
Thanks KEWLKAT103, I'm going to try that, hopefully it works.
Marand13, I do clarify, once a month
Thanks Jetblackhair for the link.
chebaby, can you recommend a better moisturizing conditioner please?
Thanks KCcurly and sunshinebeautiful.
Esq.2B, I'm not sure if the shampoo is sulfate free or not.
I don't pre-poo.
&The suave conditioner is cone free..
Thanks alot for your response, it really helped.
I use alot of different ones. I use Evoo and coconut oil. I also use kemi sometimes and that hot six oil. All of them work fine for them. I want to try some almond oil and castor oil those are good too.
i have tried a lot of deep conditioners, and the ones that i love are:
keracare humecto but i have to always use this with heat
mizani moisturfuse
biolage hydrating balm
fekkai shea butter conditioner, this is not a deep conditioner but since you co wash this would be a great one to use two maybe three times a week. my hair loves it when i co wash.