My hair grew soooooo much!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

As many of you know, I've been wearing twists 99% of the time for the past year and I haven't really straightened my hair in almost two years.

I decided to get my hair in individuals with human hair. When the braider, Nadine, saw my natural hair she was like "Oh my God! It's going to take a while just to get this straigtened!" I could tell that she was not looking forward to blowing my hair out but I couldn't blame her.

In its natural state, the front of my hair reaches to my eyes and the back of my hair reaches to the middle of my neck.

So she went to blow drying my hair and then pressed it out some. She was in shock after she was done. When I turned to the mirror, I almost fell out of my chair!

The back of my hair is almost bra-strap and the front of my hair almost reaches my shoulders! My hair has not been this long since childhood when I was natural/pressed! I was trying to imagine how long my hair would have been if she pressed it out really straight but I don't like heat so that wasn't going to happen.

I took pictures of course and hope to have an album within the next month. Nadine says that my hair is very healthy and I am well on my way to reaching my goal of mid-back length hair.

There were two not-so-good things about the experience:

1) Getting my hair blow-dried and pressed does not feel good!!
2) My hair does not show length at all! And I don't want to keep putting heat on my hair so that I can see at least some of the length I have.

Other than that, I'm really happy that my hair is doing well and I had to share the good news! It's because of the great advice I've gotten on this board that my hair is doing so well....Thank you!!

Ebony thats great, can't wait to see the pictures. I know what you mean about the experience. I got my hair pressed this week out of curiosity, and I didn't like the heat on my hair at all.
I am happy to hear that you've reached BSL. I bet your hair looks great and I can't wait to see the pics. :)

The shrinkage factor is the main reason why I went back to the relaxer, it was killing me to have my hair growing but still looking very short. I was growing out my hair to show length and being natural wasn't going to let me do it w/o using a lot of heat so I just went back to the relaxer.
EbonyEyes said:
1) Getting my hair blow-dried and pressed does not feel good!!
2) My hair does not show length at all! And I don't want to keep putting heat on my hair so that I can see at least some of the length I have.

Most of us naturals do not show our length, but as time has gone by since going natural I've arrived at the point where I'm no longer interested in straightening my hair to show length. I guess I'd rather my hair BE long than LOOK long. Congrats on your healthy hair!