My Hair Goes Through Cycles!


New Member
No matter what I do, my hair always goes through cycles. It will be doing fine, thriving even, and then suddenly it will start acting totally funky...breaking and thinning out, especially the ends! It seems to sometimes happen around the time that I switch environments (i'm a college student, so when i go home for summer or come back to campus after a summer program, etc.).

I just noticed that it's happening right now, five days before my touch up and after all of my tender care this summer! :( I didn't change my regimen, I'm not using heat, but I've noticed all of these tiny pieces just breaking right off. I just used the Aphogee 2-minute Reconstructor followed by a deep moisturizing conditioner + EVOO. Hopefully this will help.

I really don't know what to think. Does this happen to anyone else? This is making me sad. I'm afraid to continue growing my hair when I always have this threat of it breaking at any moment...