My hair dries so fast


Well-Known Member
on the ends ...

Doesnt that mean I need more moisture?

Well I can tell how my hair feels that I need a heavy duty Moisture Treatment

ANy Suggestions?? Im so unhappy with my hair right now :cry:

This means your hair is pourous

poristy control is meant to be good

but for me usually a good old protein reconstructer helps you mean that your hair dries fast with airdrying or that your ends just won't stay moisturized? My hair airdries super fast...but I thought that was a good thing. It's not???:perplexed
Once you do the porosity control treatment, follow up with an ORS replenishing pak dc for about 30 minutes w/heat.
Healthy hair should dry fast but it shouldn't dry out. Healthy cuticles should open and close readily. Open when warm and close when cool. Cold water rinses help close it, but if your cuticles aren't opening and closing properly your protein/moisture balance might be off. I never had much success with PC. Sisterslick wrote an article about restoring proper porousity. It was exactly my experience with my own hair's porosity. I think the link is still in her siggy.

ETA: Start by testing your hair's porosity... take a shed (dry not wet) hair put it in a cup of room temperature water. Leave it for 2 minutes. If the cuticles are closed it will float.
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Like when I got out the shower last night, By time I dried off and got my jammies on, my ends were almost totally dry. I just took that as meaning that my hair was not moisturized enough.. you mean that your hair dries fast with airdrying or that your ends just won't stay moisturized? My hair airdries super fast...but I thought that was a good thing. It's not???:perplexed
This means your hair is pourous

poristy control is meant to be good

but for me usually a good old protein reconstructer helps
So whats te deal if ur hair takes a long time to dry? Some parts of my hair dry and others takes hours. Sometimes in the night my crown is damp when i take my bun down:rolleyes:
Healthy hair should dry fast but it shouldn't dry out. Healthy cuticles should open and close readily. Open when warm and close when cool. Cold water rinses help close it, but if your cuticles aren't opening and closing properly your protein/moisture balance might be off. I never had much success with PC. Slicksista wrote an article about restoring proper porousity. It was exactly my experience with my own hair's porosity. I think the link is still in her siggy.

ETA: Start by testing your hair's porosity... take a shed (dry not wet) hair put it in a cup of room temperature water. Leave it for 2 minutes. If the cuticles are closed it will float.

When I saw the name above was thinking who is that should be sisterslick name:lachen:
I've never really understood the pourous vs non-pourous thing. So is it good or bad to have pourous hair? My hair dries slowly after washing. I can wash it at 5:00 pm and put it in a pony with a roller on the end and at 11:00 am the next day it's still a little damp around the pony holder and the ends are still wet around the roller. However if I do the pourous test on dry hair like Sareca suggested, my hair floats so I'm not sure if I have pourous or non-pourous hair???
I've never really understood the pourous vs non-pourous thing. So is it good or bad to have pourous hair? My hair dries slowly after washing. I can wash it at 5:00 pm and put it in a pony with a roller on the end and at 11:00 am the next day it's still a little damp around the pony holder and the ends are still wet around the roller. However if I do the pourous test on dry hair like Sareca suggested, my hair floats so I'm not sure if I have pourous or non-pourous hair???

Non porous...which is a good thing. Thin pour out...the moisture is pouring out of your hair and drying it out.
Thanks Senimoni for explaining that...I've always hated that my hair takes a long time to dry but I guess it's a good thing huh?
If I pony right after washing my hair will stay wet in the middle and if I braid after washing its always still damp even after two days.

I think Ill try the porosity check.

Then work on trying to fix it ...

I know I need more moisture .. I tend to get overly analytical when its touch up time
^^^^^girl me too. I think i am having porosity issues right now. My hair dries out even though I moisturize. I will be working on this for the next month or so. My hair always sticks up in the back. It used to lay flat but not no mo.
I've started trying to add Roux Porosity Control Conditioner to my weekly washing regimen after I shampoo but before I DC. And just leave it on for five minutes. And maybe sealing your ends while they're wet will help them too. That's what I've been doing b/c my aunt (a beautician) used to tell my my hair was porous but I didn't know what that meant until the hair boards.
I don't understand this whole thing but my hair takes days to completely dry. I talking like two days and it'll stillbe damp.
bump! i want to hear the responses to this. i've been having the same problem for the last few years and nothing seems to work (tried both the protein and the porosity control). my hair dries way too quick, so i think it is porous. i think i did the strand test and my ish went straight to the bottom- didn't float at all. :nono:
Hmmm...I think my hair is very porous for that matter. I might have to suck it up and but that Roux PC again cause the first time I used it, it did wonders for my overly-dried out hair
Sometimes my hair becomes porous and I can tell while my hair is still wet. Ideally, my hair feels heavy on my back after washing it and before applying my deep conditioner. The heaviness is from the water it is holding. After I rinse off the conditioner after DCing, it still feels nice and heavy and I know it's going to be okay. :)

If I feel no weight on my back at all I know it isn't porous (the pH is off)and I would add some Porosity Control conditioner and leave it on for 30 seconds or so, rinse it off (then it feels heavy) and apply my deep conditioner. I can also tell by squeezing a lock of hair in my towel and it already looks like its drying.

If I do not feel weight on my back and do not add the Porosity Control, my hair will not look right after airdrying in a rollerset.
Sometimes my hair becomes porous and I can tell while my hair is still wet. Ideally, my hair feels heavy on my back after washing it and before applying my deep conditioner. The heaviness is from the water it is holding. After I rinse off the conditioner after DCing, it still feels nice and heavy and I know it's going to be okay. :)

If I feel no weight on my back at all I know it isn't porous (the pH is off)and I would add some Porosity Control conditioner and leave it on for 30 seconds or so, rinse it off (then it feels heavy) and apply my deep conditioner. I can also tell by squeezing a lock of hair in my towel and it already looks like its drying.

If I do not feel weight on my back and do not add the Porosity Control, my hair will not look right after airdrying in a rollerset.

This is interesting...I notice sometimes my hair has a nice weight after washing but other times not so much.

Good thread.

Healthy hair should dry fast but it shouldn't dry out. Healthy cuticles should open and close readily. Open when warm and close when cool. Cold water rinses help close it, but if your cuticles aren't opening and closing properly your protein/moisture balance might be off. I never had much success with PC. Sisterslick wrote an article about restoring proper porousity. It was exactly my experience with my own hair's porosity. I think the link is still in her siggy.

ETA: Start by testing your hair's porosity... take a shed (dry not wet) hair put it in a cup of room temperature water. Leave it for 2 minutes. If the cuticles are closed it will float.

Well I did this test this weekend and it floated ...