My hair dresser never uses moisturizer . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
After washing and deep conditioning my hair, my stylist doesn't put any additional moisturizers on my hair. She might use some moose or serum, but no oils or anything . . . . and my hair looks and feels wonderful. I'm wondering then, in instead of all the growth lotions and oils, I should just spritz my hair daily with leave-in and be done with it.

Does anyone here do that? Any thoughts on the whole moisturizer situation?

I just don't want to over-moisturize my hair and have it weighed down, y'know?
I agree that less is more when moisturizing your hair, especially when it comes to straight locks. I use a very small amount of hair lotion on my ends daily after flat ironing and have found that even this can cause product buildup if you're not careful.
Yeah I agree as well... My stylist never uses moisturizers either - except leave in (Salerm) and my hair is always fabulous when she's done.

On my own I find that a little goes AN AWFUL LONG WAY. Sometimes I use leave-in as my moisturizer if I feel my hair needs it and then seal with a little oil. Works best when I wear braid outs or twist outs for a few days, it keeps my ends soft and there are no tangles when it's time to wash again. Today I put in a little leave-in (Aphogee Pro-V which is a liquid not a creme) and sealed with oil, wrapped my hair, covered with saran wrap and sat under the hooded dryer for 10 mins. My hair was swinging and soft and had a fresh flat-ironed look that I got lots of compliments on today (3 days post wash/flat iron, after working out, and wearing my hair up for 2 days, lol). Sometimes I like this method better than using an actual moisturizer which can be a bit heavy some days. I just listen to my hair on this one.
That's the very reason I stopped using oil when I was relaxed. As long as I washed my hair once a week I was good. I didn't need oil, grease, moisturizer, etc. All they did was weigh my hair down and make it dirty/greasy.
I never use any oil or moisturizer on the same day I wash, either. It simply does not need it. On the 3rd day after I wash, Ill go ahead and moisturize.
I find for me sometimes I like to add the tiniest amount of oil when I'm all done styling on wash day. It just adds that last touch, a little shine and extra slip. I'm finding a light application of coconut oil is perfect because it feels light on my hair and absorbs pretty well without feeling weighed down. Again, I go for a VERY small amount, and only if I feel I need it.:yep:
Girl, when I go to the salon. I bring my own stuff... A wide tooth comb, moisturizer, heat taimer, etc. You're paying for it... You need to tell her what you want. You really don't have to pay them and they really can't do anything about it. A law suit would not look good on their record. Just tell her and if she doesn't abide by it, she's the one who needs your business... NOT you! there's a lot more fish in the sea.
I never use moisturizer either. Before I rollerset I use a great leave-in, and I'm good until the next wash.
When I get my hair done, they never use any moisturizer either. At the same time that stylist is not with me day to day, and normally I need moisturizer at some point. After I do my own hair I don't need any extra moisturizer on that day either, but I do need it on the days following. Growth lotions and oils? I don't know about those. Don't really need them except that I have gotten in the habit of sealing with oil. But a nice moisturizer ? Yeah I gotta have that.
my hair also looks and feels fab after a salon visit--with no moisturizer! she mentioned that she wanted to me stop washing my hair once a week and start washing it every 2 1/2-3 weeks *gasp*, and not use anything in my hair in terms of moisture.

I am kinda leary of that, being that I have been with my hair for 21 years and know what works for me, and I'm sure that if I waited that long to wash, my hair would be very weighed down and seperate easily... And i only use aveda usc in terms of moisture and it works, but... i do love that salon hair!
I hate to be the wet blanket here...but im kinda on the fence with this one! :rolleyes: hair too FEELS and LOOKS fab when I go to the salon (in which my stylist also does not use moisturizers) but then I look at the long term results: When you smooth ANYTHING out; Pressing/Flat-ironing hair and Ironing a SHIRT it does feel better! BUT did my hair really grow when I was going to my stylist?? Yes my hair looked ten times better when she did it, BUT my hair was in it's worst condition! And it wasnt anything she did per say! It's what she didnt do! Stylists IMO care about the LOOK more than the HEALTH many times...
And im sorry to ramble but my point is careful...just because it feels good...the long term effects can be awful! Put it this way: Think about all the ladies on board who may not have the "just got out of the salon look", but there hair is down their backs!

Just my 0.02cents! Ladies dont kill me! lol j/k :grin:
You ladies who don't moisturize don't put anything on your scalps either? Just asking because I know my hair and scalp definately tend to be very dry, and if I didn't moisturize at least every other day, at least my scalp, it would be a very parched situation up there! My hair does feel and look wonderful coming from the salon, and now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever had a stylist put a moisturizer in my hair. Conditioner, yes. Deep Contitioner, occasionally. Some sort of heat protectant, yes. Some sort of serum or shine enhancer, yes. But I don't think anyone has ever used a real moisturizer. But it still looks and feels fabulous. But in the long run, for me, moisturizing is mos def the way to go.