My hair doesn't dry with flexirods


New Member
Hi Hair Divas,
I purchased flexirods recently and have used them twice. Once, I rolled my hair wet and the other time, I air dried and used a setting lotion. I then sat under a hooded dryer. My hair did not dry after more than an hour. Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to expedite drying time or even ensure that my hair will dry fully?

Thanks in advance for you help.
Are you spiraling the hair around the roller or are you just rolling it like you would any other roller? I used to roll my hair on flexirods like I was using regular rollers and it would take foreeeeever, sometimes overnight. I think they key with these is to roll them spirally. Check out this vid:
I use these a lot. But never on wet hair. I only use them overnight on dry hair. I'm not sure they're meant to be used on wet hair because they are a spongy absorbant material.
That is weird I get my hair set with the flexi rod and then by the time she is finished with the front the back is dry, make sure your using thin enough pieces of hair and it is wrapped in a spiral form, shouldn't be too much hair on the rod :) I bring my own flexirods and I use about 48 and 56 rods. :)
I'll try smaller sections, I guess I'll have to buy some more rods. I cannot wait to try it on dry hair; sounds interesting. Do you have to wear them overnight to get good curls? Thanks for the responses.
I'll try smaller sections, I guess I'll have to buy some more rods. I cannot wait to try it on dry hair; sounds interesting. Do you have to wear them overnight to get good curls? Thanks for the responses.

I didn't I spent about 40 minutes under the dryer to make sure it was dry. Make sure they are firm and not flopping around the place, I love the look of it, I have the blue and red ones and alternate them :) It is such a beautiful look Good luck and post pictures.
48-56 rods?? Wow! I use 6 at the most. But I use the green rods.
SueA2 I wear them overnight because the heat from my head sets the curl. I use 6, rolled in a spiral. The next morning I separate them with my fingers. It makes me look like I have naturally curly hair.