My hair does not like SILK ELEMENTS Revive & Restore Hair Mayonnaise


Active Member
My hair does not liek SILK ELEMENTS Revive & Restore Hair Mayonnaise Damaged Hair Treatment!

This seems to be a heavier protein based conditioner (I see it has wheat proteins in it).

I used this a few times DEEEP into my stretch before my relaxer last saturday, and it actually made my hair behave as though there were little teeth in it, all along the strand.

I always follow it up with the intense moisturizing treatment, so I'm not quite sure why this is the case.

I loved this conditioner, but I realize that it is doing this to my hair all the time, only, when it's not far past post, It's not really that difficult to manipulate, and detangle, b/c my hair is not so thick.

Has anyone else experienced this same phenomenon?

What is a good conditioner with a medium concentration of protien along these lines. I don't need anything like apogee, I'm not having ANY breakage, I just want something that will give my hair a little strength from time to time.

Is the reconditonant that comes with the silk elements relaxer sufficent for this?
I hate Silk Elements anything, especially this conditioner. Have you ever thought of using natural food products such as mayonnaise, eggs, mayonnaise, oil and yogurt in your hair? I have used that with great results.
Lol...i LOVE THE Silk elements perm though. Been using it or about 5 years.

HOWEVER, I can consider using something natural in my hair like mayo, yogurt. Will that give my hair the protien that it needs?