My hair does not like Aloe Vera Juice...


New Member the first or top ingredient in a styling product for DRY hairstyling. It just doesn't. :nono:

I've bought several products that received raves from other naturals, but when I use them my hair comes out fuzzy or it gets weighed down. Maybe it's meant for thicker haired naturals. I've used the items on both wet and dry hair and they've sucked each time.

Well, at least I know to avoid this ingredient and a few others (Rice Milk being one). They're not even something I would use for controlled styles like twists/braids, etc.. These products give too much moisture as in just "enough". I also don't do the spritzing thing, because this results in frizz/fuzz for me.

Anyone else not like Aloe Vera as the main ingredient or is it just me?
my hair hates it to i think thats why i cant use some jane carter products including her shampoo and dc
Oops my comment wasnt relevant to what you were talking about. I was talking about Shampoo and conditioners without it. But, you are talking about dry styling products.