My hair did not take


Well-Known Member
This is actually kind of funny, and sad at the same time.
Yesterday I took out my braids, and my natural hair is over 12 inches long.
Its 4b and super thick,
I was tired of dealing with the headache comb outs, and knotty ends. I have been natural for over 5 years now, and I am good with the natural hair thing, I was ready for a relaxer.
I did not want my hair bone straight, simply softened, because I plan to rebraid in about 2 weeks.I went to the beauty supply store with my friend to buy a relaxer. I was looking for affirm because I had heard good things about it on this board.
We bought Revlon Realistic Super for coarse/ resistant hair.
I was shocked when I opened the bottle to find that the relaxer was only a small 8 oz bottle, needless to say it wasn't enough.
My friend tried her hardest to spread the relaxer adequately.
My hair did not take, and it was matted.
I soaked my hair in conditioner,did a gentle comb out, had my friend cut about 4 inches off ( damaged ends) did some two strand twists and called it a day. You can't even tell that I had a relaxer. My hair is not softer, and feels hard, and dry.
My friend called my hair super negro hair ( she is so ignorant)
I am pretty done with this hair.
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PLEASE don't take this wrong, but i don't think it's healthy to relax your hair so soon after taking out braids so that might have had something to do with it, and buy the bulk sizes, i know here in port antonio (jamaica) we have the mini touch ups in hte boxes and they do nothing, so sorry to here that, i've had it happen too
Seems like you picked up a no-lye relaxer, as well as underprocessed this explains the dryness too. you need lots of conditioning, moisturising to prepare your hair to be corrected if that's what you wish to do. that wasn't nice of your friend to call your hair super negro. good luck whatever you decide.
I am sorry. This has never happened to me, but as den said DEEP DEEP DEEP condition your hair now. I would suggest seeing a professional and telling them what happened. You may have to wait a certain amount of time and re-relax your hair. It seems bad now, but it will be better, I am sure worse things have happened. GL
I cosign on what everyone has said. Although my relaxer was done professionally a week and half after I took mine out, it still came out like it wasn't there really. The top looked straight but it felt rough.
Continue with your treatments and it should look up.
I agree w/the deep conditioning treatments, and also when getting virgin hair relaxed you do need to invest in the big tub of relaxer, I also suggest that you use a Lye relaxer next time, also do a strand test to see how long it takes to process your hair, also if you have been using MTG that explains why it may not have taken, you need to stop using MTG 2wks before relaxing atleast 1 1/2wks, and clarify w/a really good clarifying poo. HTH's
You know it's so funny how everyone raves about how healthy natural hair is, but I remember first relaxer I also need at least a good 2-4 inches of my ends cut off, when you mentioned it it made me think how healthy is natural hair really, and plus their was always so much shedding way more than what I everhad relaxed, :ohwell: .
Tamala said:
My friend called my hair super negro hair ( she is so ignorant)
I am pretty done with this hair.

Hey you can take that comment in a positive light! Think about it, that means your hair is strong and not even chemicals can break it down! You have that good stuff! Ain't nothing wrong with it. :D
Girl please I cant even use those little tubs for just a retouch! For a whole 12 inches of natural hair I would buy a 3lb tub and go from there. Even the 16 ounce jars are just enough for me after 6 months in braids.
Believe it or not its a good thing your hair didn't take. That means your natural hair is so strong that the relaxer was unable to break down the cuticle layer. Sometimes it takes another corrective application two weeks later to completely straighten the hair.