My Hair Can't Grow Cuz...


Well-Known Member
"Your hair grows in spirals" - that's what an old stylist told me about my hair. :confused: I haven't been there for over a year.

What crazy b/s have you heard as to why your hair won't/can't grow? These can be comments by stylists, family members, etc.
hair grows to a certain length then stops thats not nec true i've been stalking different peoples hair blogs for a good time now and have watched girls grow hair much beyond they remotely thought could happen. your hair is really gorgeous so continue to prove them wrong.
My mom claims blk women can't grow their hair to their pisses me off every time, so I don't say family doubts that I can grow my hair to my I really don't say much too people....but surprising my aunts, who's a stylist, told me I CAN grow my hair to my waist, it will just take time and patience......strange isn't it?
Uncle: your hair will never grow long because you're not mixed.

I keep picturing the man in your siggy as your uncle. OT: Did you read that book? Is it a good read?

On-Topic: I just got "genetics". No one in my family has long hair, so I won't either.
Wow at the comments you've heard, ladies. We are surely proving them wrong.

Dang Ebony, you should be slapping them with your long hair now. hehe
I had this one white friend who had waist length hair (I think her hair is thigh length now) who was always talking about how black hair doesn't grow and that it grows very slowly. And any time that someone would ask about my hair, she would step in talking some junk about black hair.
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Various white people saying our hair grows really slow and can't grow beyond a certain length. JL, you hair looks soooo silky and beautiful!
U know....I've been thinking this for a while..maybe it's just in my world, but my friends and acquaintances of other races don't think about "black hair" all the time. They have no assumptions about our growth or hair types and in general just know very little about our hair. In fact, many don't even know that my hair grows out of my hair kinky/curly and that I do a "process" to it to make it straighter. I have to explain to them that my hair would naturally grow into a afro, and they genuinely seemed quite surprised/intrigued at the prospect that my hair is very different from theirs. I just don't think whites and others are really that concerned about our hair..I don't think it's on their radar of "important things to worry about"...just my 2 cents
I've never been told that my hair won't grow. I used to hear stuff like "you're too old to let your hair grow long" - mind you that was coming from a stylist when I was in my mid-20's LOL I am 38 now and have every intention of growing it waist length. Since I do my own hair I don't listen to stupid comments.
How is anyone too old for long hair? My grandma used to say that, I think that is something that a certain generation thinks or something.
How is anyone too old for long hair? My grandma used to say that, I think that is something that a certain generation thinks or something.

Good question. I have no idea. I would blame it on a certain generation, but the stylist that said that was in her mid-20's too. I think she was just ignorant and loved to give me haircuts back then just to add more $$ to the bill. My sister goes to her now and I do my own hair.
Good question. I have no idea. I would blame it on a certain generation, but the stylist that said that was in her mid-20's too. I think she was just ignorant and loved to give me haircuts back then just to add more $$ to the bill. My sister goes to her now and I do my own hair.

Maybe she was regurgitating something that she heard from a grandma or aunt or something.:nono:
My hair won't grow because...
I don't have "good" hair
I'm not mixed
Black women just don't have long hair

and my favorite, a quote by my mother, "I don't know why you spend all day on that website. You're black, you're hair won't grow that long and all of those women have weaves."

I can't wait until I have long, BSL hair to prove everyone wrong
I don't get that much from family members because they know women in our family had thick natural hair ranging from WL to their butts. But one former stylist told me that my hair would never get as long as the weaves I used to wear. She never even gave a reason why she said that so IDK what she was basing that statement on.
...because black women just cannot grow long hair, and to want long hair 'proves' my 'whitewashing'. Oh lordy, if only I had long hair right now so I could go wave it in that stylist's face.
Trying to 'act white'...ignoring your own race/culture. A black woman's hair does not move (I loved when my could swing!) or grow long. If you want hair like that you are just trying to be white. On and on. I got that from that stylist and from members of my family. :rolleyes:
Trying to 'act white'...ignoring your own race/culture. A black woman's hair does not move (I loved when my could swing!) or grow long. If you want hair like that you are just trying to be white. On and on. I got that from that stylist and from members of my family. :rolleyes:

oh lawd...

First of all, I don't know what's 'white' about one not wanting to look like Darth Vader because she has too much product (grease) in her hair and it doesn't lay flat...

Next, how is wanting long hair ignoring your own race/culture? There are plenty of women both relaxed and natural who have long hair. Hair is meant to grow, and women's hair is meant to be long. I mean for real. If your hair was in long, flowing locs would they say that you were whitewashing?

I better quit...

Igonorance is all over.

I was once told by an African woman braiding my hair that my hair wouldn't grow because I am mixed and the white in me weakens my strands, hence breakage. She then proceeded to braid my hair so tight that I couldn't close my eyes for 2 days.
oh lawd...

First of all, I don't know what's 'white' about one not wanting to look like Darth Vader because she has too much product (grease) in her hair and it doesn't lay flat...

I am laughing ahrd about the comparison to Darth Vader!!!! LOL!

When I was showing someone some of the before and after pictures in peoples fotki I was told that because I was darker than some of the girls my hair wouldn't grow as long. So I showed before and after pics of darker women with the same hair growth and was told that they probably have a better hair texture. Sooo, I will just have to show them my progress and prove them wrong!!

Some people are so ignorant and brainwashed about black hair.