My hair-brained idea actually worked!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I managed to retouch my NG while my hair was sectioned in braids (see previous thread here)……

What I did was braid my hair into 6 braids at the back to middle & 6 braids in the middle to front – so 12 braids in all.
I put a plastic cap over the front 6 braids and worked on my back section first (which had the thickest NG).
I saturated each braid (my already Texlaxed hair) in EVOO first - to protect it from the relaxer cream and just applied the relaxer to my NG,….. situated around the outer edge of each braid.
I actually found that using the wooden mixing stick that came in the relaxer kit ideal, as it’s about an inch wide (similar to the width of my New Growth). So basically, I applied the cream with this - sort of dabbing the cream on as I went along.
I put the cream around the surrounding areas (NG) of the 3 braids at the back then unravalled all 3 braids, getting ready to apply to the inbetween areas (which I normally find tricky).

The great thing I found, is that because each braid is already in 3 sections when you unravel them – it is easier to part the hair…… & sometimes, all I needed to do was lightly pull the braids apart to get into middle sections.
I did this throughout, until all 6 sections at the back-middle were complete then I lightly smoothed the cream until my application time was up.(I actually had time to spare, which never usually happens!). Then shampooed out as normal under the shower (with my head tilted backwards), ensuring the water didn’t touch the bagged front area of the hair.
Note: During the process, i did get a little cream on a couple of the braids, but I got some kitchen paper towel & just wiped/dabbed it off…… wasn’t a problem, as the EVOO enabled the cream to slide off pretty easily.

After shampooing the back section, I towel blotted it and clipped it back out of the way. And just repeated the process to the front!
I must say, this is the best I’ve ever permed my hair & before my application time was up (on the 2nd section), I even had time to clear up the mess I made my bathroom!

I know this might be a bit long winded for some people, but it worked for me!
I use a similar method to relax. I divide my hair into the four relaxer sections then I pre-part each section and braid beneath the new growth to keep the section in tact.

Self-relaxing is a breeze when you don't have to worry about parting your hair during the process. You only have to slap on the relaxer.
I use a similar method to relax. I divide my hair into the four relaxer sections then I pre-part each section and braid beneath the new growth to keep the section in tact.

Self-relaxing is a breeze when you don't have to worry about parting your hair during the process. You only have to slap on the relaxer.

You're so right!
I had time to smooth out the hair, re-check sections, ......and even started clearing up the bathroom before my application time was up! :lachen:
Normally, i would start to panic cos i'd taken too long trying to section the hair while trying to keep the clipped up hair from touching the perm etc.
Doing 2 separate applications helped a lot as well.

I must say, im very pleased............. especially with my edges. They actually look permed now! :grin:
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This doesn't sound risky to me. Seems like it would make parting the hair easier. I'm going to try this the next time I relax. Thanks for sharing.
This doesn't sound risky to me. Seems like it would make parting the hair easier. I'm going to try this the next time I relax. Thanks for sharing.

I must admit, I was a bit nervous about trying it out.
But once I started applying the was a breeze!
I braided the night before, which I think helped.
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this sounds like what i do. i read that i needed half-inch sections so i divide my hair in half making the plaits a week before, seal daily, so when touch-up day comes, i dont have to worry about parting. i'm slow with it so i need all the help i can get!
This sounds so amazing. What would really, really help would be a video or step by step still pic tutorial. You should call this the p381 texlax method. Kudos.

V good idea. Maybe the brain is rusty tonight but i have trouble seeing this whole process

Can we have a video pretty please?