My hair & anthestesia.....again


Well-Known Member
I will be dealing with anthestesia again tomorrow. Some of you know I had total knee replacement in January, well my flexibility isn't good at all. I'm going in tomorrow for manual manipulation, and I'm not looking foward to it. For the past couple of weeks, I've been using a lite protein treatment each time I've co-washed. I am hoping it'll be enough to protect my hair from shedding. I also used a moisturizing DC afterwards.
I feel you Coffee, Anthestesia did a number on my hair, especiall when I had 5 surgeries in one year, in fact it was about 6 months after my last surgery that I decided to go natural. My edges suffered the most.

I didn't know nothing about LHCF or protein treatments back then, but my hair has definately made a 360 degree turn around since joining!

All the best with your recovery, I pray all goes well with the surgery and that you heal quickly and all mobility is restored as it should be! In Jesus' name, Amen!
Well wishes and a speedy recovery to you, Coffee. I've had three in the past three years and the anesthesia from the last one got me. The good news is that the shedding has been just about shut down by garlic and EPO supplements. Take care of yourself.