My grandmother needs your prayers


Well-Known Member
My grandmother just went into the hospital last week with a stroke and they put her in a nursing home for 2 weeks rehab and she just had another stroke about an hour ago! this time her mouth is twisted and she really can't speak well. They rushed her back to the hospital and the prognosis is not looking good right now. I sincerely need those who believe in the power of prayer to please pray right now for my grandmother. Thanks
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( May God bless your grandmother, you, and your family. Be strong and keep the faith. I hope she gets well soon. Take care!!! ;)
God we pray in the name of Jesus for this dear grandmother. We pray God that you will right there over the shoulder of the doctors and anoint their hands. We know God that You are a prayer answering God and we declare healing and speedy recovery in Jesus name AMEN. :)