My God Father was Called to Glory


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

My godfather passed this morning. Please keep the family in prayer. I just talked to him yesterday. He was chipper and said that he was glad that I called and to keep calling. It really has not hit me yet, that he is gone. I am really numb right now. It's sureal (sp?)

My godmother was admitted to the hospital hours later as she is having Chest pains. She was with him when he passed.

Please pray my family's strength in the Lord, and traveling mercies.
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I too sorrow to hear of your loss dear sister, and I stand in prayer for you, your family, and the family of your godfather. May the Lord comfort you with His love and strength, and give you all grace in this time of sorrow.
I'm sorry for your loss. My godmother passed Feburary 20th of this year. I was a mess at the funeral but I'm glad I stayed throughout the whole thing. The sermon that came after the viewing was sooo good. It basically reassured us that since she was a Christian she's with Jesus now(lucky her) and is not in pain any longer. Remember Psalms 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry."