My Giovanni Dilemma


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I live in London and it is very hard to access Giovanni Products as I have to buy them online and pay alot to ship. For this reason, I usually buy in bulk so I have 4 unused Giovanni products, 3 of which are trial size. Recently I used the Magnetic Poo and Con and they worked exceptionally well, however I still have full bottles of the Smooth as Silk and 50:50 which I havent read as good reviews about as the magnetic one. My main concern is that people say the 50:50 poo is drying and tangles the hair, my hair is normally tangle city so I dont really need anything adding to the problem. My question is, do I still use the products as it may not be that bad for me, plus I will either have to give or throw them away? Or do I just count my losses, stick to what I know works and buy some more magnetic poo and con? What should I do?
You ever thought about selling them on Ebay? I am sure there are some other ladies in London that like these products and have the same problem as you in getting them.