my friend just made me my own customize wig!!


New Member
Yea im really serious about the low manipulation for the rest of the year.So my new growth is kickin in and im tired of combing my hair and styling it because that cause breakage and my hair needs a break. So my friend who is a hairstylist made me my own customize wig. I wanted it to look natural and look like my hair when i did the braid outs or twist out, but trust me the curls are way more define then my natural hair. i braided my hair underneath all the way back in corn rows and I still was every week. In between washes I mix my V05t moisturizing and nourishing conditioners together and dilute it in water and spray my hair with it everyday. My ng is real soft because of it. Anyways the pics are in my fotki.. feel free to leave a comment.
Thanks girl I know I really didn't find anything tighter this was the tightest. I'm going to wear it until my bday comes in July but its hot as hell so I don't know about wearing it all the time