My fotki is updated! BC pics finally in!


I'm sorry you guys had to wait so long. I took more pics, but they didn't turn out so well.:ohwell: The great thing is that Kinky curly custard has given me 3 day hair and I will be able to wash n go in the winter without weighing my hair down with a tub of IC gel.:rolleyes: All I need is a little bit and my hair is shiny and my curls are defined! I think next time I will ask hubby to help with the pictures.:blush:
CONGRAGULATIONS BUDDY!! Your Curls are Very Pretty!!! Looking Good! Okay so you know it is ON? No matter what we have 1 Year! We can do this!!!
With the ease of KCCC, I think I can go past a year!:yep: OK, no overconfidence!:rolleyes: Anyhow, I need lessons on how to take pics of my head so you can see all of me.:lachen: Better pics will come soon! I can't wait until my hair is long enough to try twists!:yay:
WOW, CurlyNikki, I want my lil fro to grow up to look just like your hair!:spinning::yep: I am dying to get my natural hair to be long, thick, and healthy!:notworthy