My First Year Natural(With Pics)


New Member
Hello, i wasnt sure if i wanted to post this or not, but i decided that i should:look: This forum has helped me out a lot. I've been a lurker forever but i signed up last year. I hope you ladies enjoy my first(well second actually) thread. I tried to resize the pictures as much i could, so sorry if they are too big:grin:

It has been 1 year since my Big Chop, I went through so much to go natural, i transitioned 3x, i lost half of my hair from a relaxer(relaxing out of frustration). But i finally chopped all my hair off on January 29th 2009.

I have yet to straighten my hair fully, probably because i am afraid of the heat! So please excuse my "straight" hair pics, my hair was lightly blow dried out...

When i first started on my hair journey,

My hair was fried lol! 2007.

My first "big chop", i went to a salon to get a bob cut, my hair in the back(nape) was all natural..the rest still had relaxed ends on it. This was in 2008...March!

The day i lost half of my hair to a relaxer. I was about 6 or 8mths post, i relaxed out of frustration! The relaxer burned my hair off right to the scalp..and it was in certain places.

My Official BIG CHOP, i cut my hair twice, first it was to get rid of the relaxed ends, then it was to even my hair out.

^^^January 29th.

When i went natural, i wondered how long it would take my hair to start hang
^^^My hair started to "Hang" in July, but this picture was taken in December. My hair is wet(not soaked), but its pretty much the same when it is dry.

My biggest goal was to get a ponytail, i lived by ponytails when i was relaxed! It seems like every years in my journey my hair gets shorter & shorter...just when i started to get a bun, there went my hair

^^^I actually started out with 4 "pig" tails, then i went to two pigtals, and after that came a scrawny ponytail

My full and fluffy bunny tails

My puff

My Afro journey,
My final picture:

^^My length, i am an inch pass my collar bone. My hair from my nape is 7in. I trimmed an inch off back in the summer time i dont think i did that bad in a year, I still have layers, but i honestly dont care..i love layers! I havent been APL in over 3yrs?! I have about 4 more inches to get to APL.
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You definitely have made some wonderful progress there! I would say you are on the right road this time to more thicker and heathier hair!

Welcome to the nappy side! Just stay with us naturals this time!
i love your fro!!!! you made such great progress, way to grow girl!!! can't wait to see what you post next year!!
Thanks for sharing!! My hair is exactly the same length as yours, and my year anniversary will be in March, and I can't wait to straighten to see my progress. Great inspiration and encouragement!!

I can definitely relate to you about the ponytail!! LOL!!
I love that pic of you two puffs. Shoot that is great progress at a year I was nowhere near CBL. I love your fro too and what a big difference from 1 mth to 2 mnths.
Congrats PC. Your hair is making great progress. I LOVE the 2 bunny tails..... Too cute:grin:

I cannot wait until I reach my 1 year nappiversary in July:yep: