My first steam treatment!

Miss AJ

New Member
Ok don't laugh....but i found this hand held clothes steamer I bought a long time ago, so I steamed with that for 20 minutes after I towel dried and applied ORS Replenishing con to my hair. I rinsed in the sink with cold water and I didn't hate it like I thought I would. I kept dumping water on my head because I thought I still had conditioner in my hair but I didn't. I haven't even applied my moisturizer yet and my hair feels so good. This is definitely a keeper, although I do hope to get a REAL hair steamer one day :lachen:
Just Googled Clarisonic...$200?? My hand held steamer was only $20. All I gotta do now is figure out how to trap the steam above my head and I'm golden. It got annoying holding the button down and moving the steamer around my head but I took a headband I don't use and wrapped it around the button which made it easier, and I just slid it down the handle to stop the steam.
Fabulous skin or soft silky hair?!? I've seen the powers of Clarisonic ... haha powers... but seriously a friend had breakouts and dark spots all over the place and now you would never guess she ever had any skin problems.
Tea tree oil soap will do the same thing for your skin and it's cheaper than a Clarisonic (ugh, I'm gettin more like my cheap mama everyday lol)
Way to improvise! I must say I have the Clarisonic and it's amazing!! No product has been able to keep my skin this soft and clear!
MissAJ, I have a Conair clothing steamer but I have no idea how to have it steam my hair without scalding myself! How did you do the hookup?
MissAJ, I have a Conair clothing steamer but I have no idea how to have it steam my hair without scalding myself! How did you do the hookup?

I think mine is a bit janky from dropping it so the steam wasn't shooting out super fast the whole time but I could hear when it would start to, so I moved it farther away from my head fast as heck if I had it kind of close lol. As long as you don't have it too close to your head you shouldn't be scalding yourself.