My First sew-in is going bad...


Well-Known Member
Ok, last week I decided to get a sew-in. I texted my stylist he said he could do it the next day and sent me the type of hair to get. I wanted the sew-in as a sleek protective style.

Well, I accepted my sew-in for what it was this weekend, but I HATE it now. Do I just need to take it out?

My issues:
- He told me to get Milky Way hair. It doesn't feel so great anymore and it has been 4 or 5 days...
-BIGGEST PROBLEM: The braider didn't take out enough hair at my part and I can see my tracks. I have thick hair, but when you flat iron's over. Are there any tricks to help hide my tracks?

I don't really care about it looking like a weave... I mean it is BSL (I'm collar-bone), so it looks like a weave. I just want it to look like a good one...My biggest pet peave is when people have a bad weave day...

I paid way too much for this...:wallbash:
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Ok, last week I decided to get a sew-in. I texted my stylist he said he could do it the next day and sent me the type of hair to get. I wanted the sew-in as a sleek protective style. I had a law school visit this weekend and my transition has me looking a little rough.

Well, I accepted my sew-in for what it was this weekend, but I HATE it now. Do I just need to take it out?

My issues:
- He told me to get Milky Way hair. It doesn't feel so great anymore and it has been 4 or 5 days...
-BIGGEST PROBLEM: The braider didn't take out enough hair at my part and I can see my tracks. I have thick hair, but when you flat iron's over. Are there any tricks to help hide my tracks?

I don't really care about it looking like a weave... I mean it is BSL (I'm collar-bone), so it looks like a weave. I just want it to look like a good one...My biggest pet peave is when people have a bad weave day...

I paid way too much for this...:wallbash:

can you go back to your stylist and show him what's wrong and have him fix it? he should be expected to do that for you. i mean, you are wearing it for several weeks....

in the meantime, maybe you can get a soft headband wrap thingie to wear so that your track isn't exposed?
Ok, last week I decided to get a sew-in. I texted my stylist he said he could do it the next day and sent me the type of hair to get. I wanted the sew-in as a sleek protective style. I had a law school visit this weekend and my transition has me looking a little rough.

Well, I accepted my sew-in for what it was this weekend, but I HATE it now. Do I just need to take it out?

My issues:
- He told me to get Milky Way hair. It doesn't feel so great anymore and it has been 4 or 5 days...
-BIGGEST PROBLEM: The braider didn't take out enough hair at my part and I can see my tracks. I have thick hair, but when you flat iron's over. Are there any tricks to help hide my tracks?

I don't really care about it looking like a weave... I mean it is BSL (I'm collar-bone), so it looks like a weave. I just want it to look like a good one...My biggest pet peave is when people have a bad weave day...

I paid way too much for this...:wallbash:

There are plenty of BSL and longer weaves out there that look me, I've had a few :lachen:

See if you can get him to re-do the install. He should have left a little more hair out to cover the front part. Were you able to see tracks when he first put in the weave?

Milky Way hair has a tendency of tangling very quickly....have you tried washing your hair yet? Product buildup can cause it to look bad. I would wash, detangle and condition both the weave AND make sure not to forget to wash the braids too.
I was going to upload pics this evening...but then my story decided to get better...

The braids are coming down. I put my hand on my neck when driving and noticed a lot more hair than normal. 2 braids came down.

I am livid!
I was going to upload pics this evening...but then my story decided to get better...

The braids are coming down. I put my hand on my neck when driving and noticed a lot more hair than normal. 2 braids came down.

I am livid!

Contact your stylist ASAP in the morning. He should be willing to redo your hair as the braids were not done properly so the weave could not be installed correct. Don't let your $$$ go down the drain by taking it out. Please get it redone or get a refund.
i am definitely going to call him in the morning. i so want to RIGHT now, but I am respecting business hours...sigh. I don't know if I will let him install again...I just want my money now. So much for a low maintenance hairstyle...I'd rather BC at this point...or just relax again. I am so FRUSTRATED!
How far into your transition are you? I understand how hard it can be. I am 5 and 1/2 months into mine and I am just now getting a regimen down pat.
I HAAAAAAAATED MILKY WAY. I will never buy it again. That ish tangled something horrible, and this was BEFORE i washed it.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. Definitely ask him for a refund, or perhaps a new style??? I have NEVER heard anything good about "Milky Way" brand, I think that was the first clue right there. Sorry, He should know better!:angry2:
I am 9 months into my transition. After I cut the heat out my regimen...I am at a complete loss...

2 packs of Milky Way was the biggest waste of 80 dollars I have ever spent...period...point blank.
def contact your stylist and let him know your issues. He needs to fix it so that your tracks are not showing.
also in the future, stay away from milky way hair. it sheds and tangles and is generally known to be low quality
The most he may do is fix it, but he may not refund your money. Most stylists don't because you're paying for their time. I read that somewhere. My first install was with Milky Way hair, because I didn't know any better. Within the first week it looked like a bird's
Just an update:

So, it has been 5 days since I wrote the first post and a 9 days since my install.

The short version of the story is...
I will never go back to my stylist again.

I had to go up to the salon 2 days this week.
He refused to answer the phone all week.
He would only communicate via text.
He "fixed" my hair and it is worse...will explain and show pictures later today.

So, initially it was more about all the money that went into my hair. I got over that and just wanted to look presentable. I am not one of the "I am not my hair" sisters...I mean I am on LHCF. Anyways, they braided the braids that came out and sewed them back up. My nape was coming out (was braided too big and loose) and they just sewed it tight. Um, that's going to cause some serious matting. I do something similar to my SO's dreads to help them lock. He took out a track at the top to get rid of the bulky line and now...I look like I have male patterned baldness. You can literally see the track at the crown of my head. I went shopping yesterday to ease my pain and had a breakdown in Belk's fitting room. My SO is livid and wants to beat the man's kinda cute.

The most frustrating this of all is I have tried to be respectful and mature through this whole process and I am getting screwed. Had I just bust up in his salon loud talking and so forth, I would have had better results, but that's just not in me.

Now I have to go to a board retreat with my job with my tracks showing...oh, I'm so FLY!
Not to mention it is my SO's b-day weekend and his family is going to come up...yeah...yeah...

Pics to come later on!
Some stylists are so shady.Sorry about the mess hopefully you will find a solution soon.
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I realize that he told you to buy it, but the previous reply was correct in that once he told you to get Milky Way, you should not have gone to him.

The only Milky Way that I buy is the Water Wave Weave and I don't expect it to last longer than a month or so...if you ever just need to get BSS hair, the ONLY and I mean ONLY hair that is descent is "Black Diamond" brand (not the Onyx version either) which is made by the same company as Bohyme...I admit that I've not tried them all, so I cant speak for the other BSS brands
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Ok, last week I decided to get a sew-in. I texted my stylist he said he could do it the next day and sent me the type of hair to get. I wanted the sew-in as a sleek protective style. I had a law school visit this weekend and my transition has me looking a little rough.

Well, I accepted my sew-in for what it was this weekend, but I HATE it now. Do I just need to take it out?

My issues:
- He told me to get Milky Way hair. It doesn't feel so great anymore and it has been 4 or 5 days...
-BIGGEST PROBLEM: The braider didn't take out enough hair at my part and I can see my tracks. I have thick hair, but when you flat iron's over. Are there any tricks to help hide my tracks?

I don't really care about it looking like a weave... I mean it is BSL (I'm collar-bone), so it looks like a weave. I just want it to look like a good one...My biggest pet peave is when people have a bad weave day...

I paid way too much for this...:wallbash:

OMG I am having the same problem :look:only my cousin did mines and she said you have really thick hair so it will cover the tracks but my hair was not flat ironed at the time :wallbash:sooo now i feel like my tracks are constantly showing and I cant do varity of styles in front (pin back side part etc....) because she left out such a small amount of hair:nono:... You paid for the service so you should be able to go back and have this fixed... Ive kept this in for a month but will be taking it out and getting it redone using the same hair... Maybe the quality of the hair he recommended wasnt good thats why it doesnt feel nice after such a short period of time. Also do you wrap it at night??
Just an update:

So, it has been 5 days since I wrote the first post and a 9 days since my install.

The short version of the story is...
I will never go back to my stylist again.

I had to go up to the salon 2 days this week.
He refused to answer the phone all week.
He would only communicate via text.
He "fixed" my hair and it is worse...will explain and show pictures later today.

So, initially it was more about all the money that went into my hair. I got over that and just wanted to look presentable. I am not one of the "I am not my hair" sisters...I mean I am on LHCF. Anyways, they braided the braids that came out and sewed them back up. My nape was coming out (was braided too big and loose) and they just sewed it tight. Um, that's going to cause some serious matting. I do something similar to my SO's dreads to help them lock. He took out a track at the top to get rid of the bulky line and now...I look like I have male patterned baldness. You can literally see the track at the crown of my head. I went shopping yesterday to ease my pain and had a breakdown in Belk's fitting room. My SO is livid and wants to beat the man's kinda cute.

The most frustrating this of all is I have tried to be respectful and mature through this whole process and I am getting screwed. Had I just bust up in his salon loud talking and so forth, I would have had better results, but that's just not in me.

Now I have to go to a board retreat with my job with my tracks showing...oh, I'm so FLY!
Not to mention it is my SO's b-day weekend and his family is going to come up...yeah...yeah...

Pics to come later on!
Sorry this happened. He should have redone the weave. It would have been worth it to make you happy and to retain your business.
girlllllllll he should be ashamed of himself for telling you to put that milky way garbage in your head. yea its pretty for a couple of days but lawd lawd lawd i've seen the worse walkin around my college campus thinkin that is cute:wallbash:
I feel your pain. I took it out after 9 days...yeah, i wasted my money. The first picture is the back of my tracks. The other is my crown. It is kinda hard to see the problem to see at the top, but i had just combed down my hair, but it was much worse in person...especially after he took out an additional track.


if you live in the nyc area i will fix it for free!!! seriously!!!!!
no one should have to go through that...especially when they pay a lot of $$$
OMG girl that is horrible...WTH did he do? You need to get someone else at that salon even the manager to fix it for you or do something because that is ridiculous.
I hate to hear about your sew-in incident! Now I understand why women spend a lot of money on the hair. The first 2 times I got a sew in I spent 40-60 dollars. This time I spent $80... even though the man at the BSS almost got me to buy Milky Way hair...which was tempting because the price was much lower... he said it's the most POPULAR! :nono:
Man, how the heck did he braid your hair?? Some stylists are just so dang lazy, I swear...

I'll be the first to say though that I've had a bad weave story... actually, I think it's safe to say that everyone else has too? So don't feel bad about it. Just be thankful you still have your hair on your head... but make sure to report him on any "Bad Hair Stylist" thread you see so at least someone will prevent such a person. Just like another poster said, there are a lot of shoddy and shady stylists out there unfortunately. But what's good is that after that one horrible one, we learn. Sorry though!
Wow im soooooo sorry! he had no clue what he was doing! ditch him quick fast and in a hurry. bad hair and a bad sew job... Wish I was near to help you!

hopefully your next experience and stylist is much better!
if you can, go back and ask him to fix it. I feel you're still under weave warranty lol. Are you flat ironing on high heat? Dont.

I've heard Milky Way hair isn't that great and sheds. My cousins used to use a specific line of MW they loved but has since been discontinued for a year and they claim the current ones aren't good. Go back to the weaver and tell him your issues and see if you can get it fixed. You paid a lot of money for it. I wore a weave past 3 months and it still looked good and I had cheaper weave hair than you. There's no reason you should be seeing issues this early and I'm really sorry to hear about your frustration, but there's always a remedy.

I also saw you commented in my fotki, but it's not there anymore. I got the first three words in my email notification, but I didn't see the message in my fotki. If you still needed help, feel free to PM me.
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Gosh me and a couple of girls I know all used Milky way and everyone's hair looked great, but I guess it all depends on the braider too. And I've heard bad stuff about milky way too but obvs I've never had a problem with it. I'm sorry this happened to you. Same thing happened to me when I got my first sew in. Now I just get my friend to do it for me.