My first rollerset!!!


New Member
Ladies, I proudly present my first roller set! The results are a bit average and there is a lot of room for improvement, but I DID IT!!! All on my own! I have no doubt that by continuing to learn and read up on the forum I will get much better in time, and my hair will love it!

The end result is my avatar pic and other photos are in my newly opened fotki album


  • I got the wrong clips and need to get those that slide in completely into the rollers, as the ones I used made it extremely difficult to keep all the rollers tight on my head, as stuck out and bumped and pushed the rollers out of the way.

  • My hair is shorter in the front so I used smaller rollers (purple) but my hair then stubbornly stayed in the resulting big curls although I blew out the roots, and 3 days (and 3 wraps) later, they are still resolutely set in that same curl. I look like I am straight out of the 70’s with these curls framing my face (I don’t mind it, but I am annoyed that my hair will only do as it pleases). I thought about using bigger rollers but they would fall out, so I think I will just have to accept this until my front layers grow out (they are chin length so this will unfortunately take a while).

  • I lost a lot of hair during the process. Am I being too rough or is that normal? A lot of my hair got snagged in the clips, and all the pulling and tugging while rolling led to shedding and lots of breakage (my hair is quite weak).
Thanks to everyone for their advice over the past few weeks since I have joined this forum!
You have such pretty hair. The roller set looks great especially this being your first time.
Ladies, I proudly present my first roller set! The results are a bit average and there is a lot of room for improvement, but I DID IT!!! All on my own! I have no doubt that by continuing to learn and read up on the forum I will get much better in time, and my hair will love it!

The end result is my avatar pic and other photos are in my newly opened fotki album


  • I got the wrong clips and need to get those that slide in completely into the rollers, as the ones I used made it extremely difficult to keep all the rollers tight on my head, as stuck out and bumped and pushed the rollers out of the way.
  • My hair is shorter in the front so I used smaller rollers (purple) but my hair then stubbornly stayed in the resulting big curls although I blew out the roots, and 3 days (and 3 wraps) later, they are still resolutely set in that same curl. I look like I am straight out of the 70’s with these curls framing my face (I don’t mind it, but I am annoyed that my hair will only do as it pleases). I thought about using bigger rollers but they would fall out, so I think I will just have to accept this until my front layers grow out (they are chin length so this will unfortunately take a while).
  • I lost a lot of hair during the process. Am I being too rough or is that normal? A lot of my hair got snagged in the clips, and all the pulling and tugging while rolling led to shedding and lots of breakage (my hair is quite weak).
Thanks to everyone for their advice over the past few weeks since I have joined this forum!

Instead of using clips, next time use roller pins. The roller pins are easier to use, you can clip the rollers together better with them. This will allow you to get a firmer hold on the first try and will result in less manipulation. Plus, if you use the roller pins to clip the rollers together, the roller pin will only come into contact with your hair when you put in the first "anchor" roller. Also, pinning the rollers together will allow you to use bigger rollers in the front without worrying about them coming out.

ETA: The set came out beautifully!
You did a good job! I'd really like to try this because the results are great but I'm afraid of all the manipulation.

How many rollers did you use?
Did your arms get tired?
Instead of using clips, next time use roller pins. The roller pins are easier to use, you can clip the rollers together better with them. This will allow you to get a firmer hold on the first try and will result in less manipulation. Plus, if you use the roller pins to clip the rollers together, the roller pin will only come into contact with your hair when you put in the first "anchor" roller. Also, pinning the rollers together will allow you to use bigger rollers in the front without worrying about them coming out.

ETA: The set came out beautifully!

Thanks Smartypants! I was afraid of the pins because i thought the tip would poke my scalp - will they hold the set if i just pin the rollers to each other? I will definitely give it a try!
Healthytext I used about 14 grey rollers, 2 jumbo black ones and 6 purples ones (roughly). My arms didn’t get sore – I thought they would but I was fine! Actually because my hair is a bit long I spent most of my time combing individual sections, spraying with water and trying to adjust the ends on the roller, once that was done the process of actually rolling and clipping (with your arms up in the air) is relatively quick.

Everyone: thanks for the compliments and the encouragements!

Sxyhairfetish: ha ha I actually had second thoughts about posting these photos on account of the greasy-looking shine on my face :perplexed! But “beautiful glowing skin” sounds much better :blush:
Your hair is beautiful - I love it.

My hair gets snagged with the clips too - I hate it. I prefer the magnetic rollers, I do so much better with them and I'm much faster. I haven't gotten the hang of placing the clips in the right place with the other rollers.

I say you did an excellent job considering the length of your hair.

Job well done.
Pretty girl, pretty hair! The rollerset is one of my biggest challenges! I'm nervous to venture into it, but I know that if I like it, it may become my staple
Hey Ladies,

Simone here! Roller Setting is the "beginning" to healthy bouncy hair. I recall growing up in Brooklyn, NY the Spanish women would be shopping on Saturday mornings wearing these large rollers. Then in the afternoon they would be dressed up with makeup, perfume, and lovely bouncing curls. I really don't think they went to the hair dresser every Saturday, but did their own hair from color to curls. I think keeping things simple goes a long way. Happy Roller Setting. :)
You did a good job! I'd really like to try this because the results are great but I'm afraid of all the manipulation.

How many rollers did you use?
Did your arms get tired?

I'd like to know this too. How long did it take to roll and then sit under the dryer?

Your hair is so gorgeous!

It's normal to have some hair shedding at first. You could move to a fine tooth comb that has a little more space between the teeth to reduce shedding. Also, make sure your hair stays wet - not damp - throughout the process. Damp hair seems to pull and shed more during rollersetting.

You did a great job!
Thanks Smartypants! I was afraid of the pins because i thought the tip would poke my scalp - will they hold the set if i just pin the rollers to each other? I will definitely give it a try!

Yes they will. But you will have to pin that first roller to your scalp or it will come out. What I usually do is put the first roller in; then, after I have pinned two or three more rollers to that first roller and each other, I remove the pin that is attaching the first roller to the hair closest to my scalp.
Ladies, I proudly present my first roller set! The results are a bit average and there is a lot of room for improvement, but I DID IT!!! All on my own! I have no doubt that by continuing to learn and read up on the forum I will get much better in time, and my hair will love it!

The end result is my avatar pic and other photos are in my newly opened fotki album


  • I got the wrong clips and need to get those that slide in completely into the rollers, as the ones I used made it extremely difficult to keep all the rollers tight on my head, as stuck out and bumped and pushed the rollers out of the way.
  • My hair is shorter in the front so I used smaller rollers (purple) but my hair then stubbornly stayed in the resulting big curls although I blew out the roots, and 3 days (and 3 wraps) later, they are still resolutely set in that same curl. I look like I am straight out of the 70’s with these curls framing my face (I don’t mind it, but I am annoyed that my hair will only do as it pleases). I thought about using bigger rollers but they would fall out, so I think I will just have to accept this until my front layers grow out (they are chin length so this will unfortunately take a while).
  • I lost a lot of hair during the process. Am I being too rough or is that normal? A lot of my hair got snagged in the clips, and all the pulling and tugging while rolling led to shedding and lots of breakage (my hair is quite weak).
Thanks to everyone for their advice over the past few weeks since I have joined this forum!

Not only is your hair DOPE but you are gorgeous! WORK IT guuuuuuuurl...
absolutely beautiful hair! i couldnt imagine trying to rollerset my own hair at that length.... kudos to you and awesome results!