My first rollerset!!


Well-Known Member
Woot woot!!:grin: I dunno why I never did this before....I'm hooked now! My hair turned out exponentially better than it ever has when I just did a blow out and/or flat ironed.

I rolled my hair in under 25 minutes and did a crappy job...but the results still turned out great.

I just used water and lacio lacio to set. I sat under my bonnet dryer for about 35 minutes and then wrapped and went under the dryer for another 15 minutes. My hair came out shiny and bouncy.

Peep the is in my profile.
wow: ur har looks amazing: nothin beats water & lacio

yeah I rememeber when I was young my mom used only lottabody setting lotion and it always turned out hard and crunchy. I think that turned me off of I'm back on 'em!!!:yep:
It looks great! Dont laugh at my question, but Im slow and tend to be heavy handed with products.

Did u spray the hair with water and put a little lacio lacio on each section before rolling it or did u just add the lacio lacio to all of your hair then spray each section with water and roll it?

Does lacio lacio give better results than other conditioners? My problem is I live in Florida and the humidity is like WHOA, so any style I do tends to frizz and puff out when I get outside. Do you think I need more product to prevent a good setting lotion diluted? My hair will look like the bomb until I step outside and then its over. The curls fall out and it just frizzes.