My First Rollerset was Horrible!!!

My first rollerset ended up being a roller mess I was so mad. I tried the whole mohawk with the sides rolled up technique that was so difficult for me to catch on to, its not as easy as it looks:wallbash:. So after awhile I just started putting rollers anywhere then after my hair dried I attempted to roundbrush it and it was just a total disaster I'm pretty sure I lost more hair than I should have doing this, the next morning my hair came out soo nappy being that I am about 6 weeks post relaxer, I really want to get this right. Does anyone know what I possibly did wrong? Does anyone have the same problem with their rollersets? Help me out please.:sad:
I am so sorry that your rollerset came out bad
Did you use any oil? Did you use a leave in?
I am so sorry you had that experience. I did an airdried rollerset. I washed, DCed, and put alittle ORS olive oil (the one in the jar) and rollerset. It is hard at first, but you'll get used to it. Did you spray extra water onto each piece you were rolling before you put the roller on? That'll may it lay flat and help you have smooth ends.

I recommend you get Macherieamour's rollersetting video. that's what I used during my first rollerset. It was worth every cent! I was pausing and playing the whole time I was rollersetting.
I like the DVD very much- I still have to work on my rollersetting skills.

It was VERY informative and she broke it down for inexperienced rollers like myself. I'd never done a rollerset before her DVD and my airdried rollerset came out nice- I believe only because of her DVD.
I also have Macherieamour's dvd. My rollersets are nowhere near perfect but they are much better than they would have been had I tried on my own.

I'm still trying to get my method down but I'm just gonna keep practicing until I get it because I am done with stylists.
It was VERY informative and she broke it down for inexperienced rollers like myself. I'd never done a rollerset before her DVD and my airdried rollerset came out nice- I believe only because of her DVD.
  • I agree- her DVD cant help that I'm clumsy. The DVD is EXCELLENT I recommend for anyone! Even us short-bus kids
  • I agree- her DVD cant help that I'm clumsy. The DVD is EXCELLENT I recommend for anyone! Even us short-bus kids

:lachen::lachen::lachen: She should've called it Rollersetting for Dummies! LOL You're sitting on the bus next to me rolling your hair too!
I hope your next rollerset comes out purrfectly!
My problem is keeping the rollers tight against my scalp. I have to use about 2 clips per roller.

I experience the same thing with my rollersets that's why i've gone back to blow drying I lose no hair blow drying, and no it's not easy,

we have all been through the bad rollersets when first starting out.

Practice it will get better.

My first rollerset ended up being a roller mess I was so mad. I tried the whole mohawk with the sides rolled up technique that was so difficult for me to catch on to, its not as easy as it looks:wallbash:. So after awhile I just started putting rollers anywhere then after my hair dried I attempted to roundbrush it and it was just a total disaster I'm pretty sure I lost more hair than I should have doing this, the next morning my hair came out soo nappy being that I am about 6 weeks post relaxer, I really want to get this right. Does anyone know what I possibly did wrong? Does anyone have the same problem with their rollersets? Help me out please.:sad:
DId you make sure your hair was soaking wet when you started to roll? I have a hard time blowing out my roots too. so I just flat iron them instead
Yeah. I haven't seen too many people who get a great rollerset their first time around.

I found what has worked best for me is having a great leave in with great slip (like Giovanni or Lacio Lacio). I haven't used Lacio yet b/c I just got it from Sickbay. I used the blow dryer last night with it b/c I didn't have time to sit under the dryer. However the slip was WONDERFUL. I'm going to try it this weekend when I have more time.

I also do better with the rollers that have the clips that go over them. I can't do it that well by attaching those tiny metal clips. :wallbash:

I'm sure it will work out better the 2nd time around. Good luck!
Hey, my first roller set was horrible. :( The key to a good roller set is practice, don't give up. Also, I switched clips, at first I was using large bobby pins and switched to silver clips (2 per roller). I also keep a water bottle and re-wet my hair if it dries out. In the beginning you will not be as fast, so it may get dry. Its important to keep the hair wet. I also recommend practicing on dry hair to get your technique down before you do wet hair (which is more fragile). I have been roller setting for about 1yr now, and I would never go back.

Try again..don't give up yet :)
I feel you pain, I think I wrote a thread about this not too long ago. The best advice I got was to practice on your dry hair first; I did that it and it was a lot easier to mainpulate the hair w/o having to worry about breakage, and it actually curled a bit. The next time I did it (i have macherie's dvd) it was a lot easier to do, especially since I took a great deal of time in the shower detangling, so parting was 10x easier. Also make sure the hair is soaking wet, and just practice. I'm still nowhere near a pro, but I am getting slightly better
I've been rollersetting for about 1-1.5 years and I feel like I just got the hang of rollersetting a couple of months ago!!! It takes a while to get the hang of it so keep working on it.

One good tip I read from Macherieamour is to make sure that your hair is very wet, wet enough for the hair to wrap around the roller.

I have a spray bottle and my hair is sopping wet when I roll it up. That is the one tip that has helped my sets come out silky straight and soft, even if I airdry!
ITA - once you get the hang of it, it becomes a lot easier. For me, I practiced first on dry hair just to figure out how to place them in the pattern I wanted (mohawk then sides), and it also let me learn how to properly place the clips.

I too ordered Macherie's dvd and it was GREAT! I really learned how to set well with it, and really would be still trying to learn if I hadnt ordered it. She did an amazing job demystifying roller setting.

Your hair MUST be sopping wet to get a correct set. In fact it only just recently dawned on my why they're called magnetic rollers... When the hair is really wet, it literally magically sticks to the roller! lol. My sets now come out great! Keep practicing and make the investment to get her DVD.:yep: