My first Rollerset!! I am so proud!!


SuperDuper Member
My mohawk was alittle crooked, but I think I did pretty good for the first time doing it. I did an airdried rollerset. I'm still sitting here with a few of the rollers still in because they're not fully dry yet. Check out my fotki, no password needed. I tried to post pics here, but it didn't work.
You did a nice job. How long did it take for it to be completely dry? My hair takes forever and a day to dry!

I still have a few damp pieces still rolled up. I literally put in the last roller as the radio said "Happy New Year" LOL I had heck trying to sleep on the things. Because I have NG (9 wks post relaxer) it's just the roots that are still alittle damp. I also made sure it was very warm in my apartment, I figured it may help my hair dry alittle faster.
What kind of rollers are those...I try using the magnetic with duck billed clamps and they are always falling all over the the slide on holder's snag your hair as they come off???

Btw you hair looks beautiful...can't wait till my curls are that long!
What kind of rollers are those...I try using the magnetic with duck billed clamps and they are always falling all over the the slide on holder's snag your hair as they come off???

Btw you hair looks beautiful...can't wait till my curls are that long!

I used the magnetic rollers that come with the snap on cover, Diane and Annie brand from the BSS. I still had to use the duck bill clips for for most of them of them because if you just use the cover, the rollers will be too loose and floppy. Nope, no snagging either. Thank you so much for the compliment!!

OK everyone, the final pics to my rollerset have been added to my Fotki, PLEASE, tell me what you think??
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Thanks everyone!! I have a problem though, all my pretty curls fell out yesterday:sad: Is that normal? Do you do anything special to keep them in? Should I have pin curled them at night to keep them in the morning?
bump... I need my rollerset to last atleast 3 days. Is there something I can put in it? Should I use setting lotion, mouse or something?
Beautiful! It looks so light and airy.

Congrats! I never could get the whole rollersetting thing down :ohwell: