My first roller set on natural hair:)


Well-Known Member
:) :) :) :)

  • I washed & condition my hair while it was still twisted.
  • Then I took two twists out at a time. Then put a little coconut oil and Curls whipped cream on my hair.
  • I used my hands and the k cutter to elongate each piece. Then I rolled each piece of hair as tight as possible.
  • Next I sat under my ionic hair dryer for 20 minutes on low, then about 35-45 on cool.
  • Finally I let it air dry over night
  • Result: I think if I used some type of setting lotion my hair would have been a little smoother. Any who I loved how soft and bouncy it came out.

I will try this again next week with different rollers. Please leave any suggestions!!!!

Pics are in my link!
People are rollersetting left and right, It must be the season for successful rollersets. I just had my first successful one last night;) ;) ;) :cool:
The first 20 or so times I tried to rollerset, I used setting lotion. My successful rollerset was a result of using Kids Organics Shea Butter moisturizer and shea butter on my ends. I think the moisture and thick shea butter work really really well for my 4B hair:D :D :D . Normally I can't use a lot of Shea Butter in my hair but with the rollerset I put some on each individual end before rollersetting. I loved the results. Setting Lotion just didn't work for me...Shea Butter and moisturizer were definitely the way to go:D

Also you are very pretty and your hair looks really healthy and THICK!!!
You and your hair are absolutely beautiful.!!!! Yay rollersets can be accomplished with natural/kinky hair!!! You "GONE" girl wit yo bad self!!!!
cocomama said:
Thanks Ladies! I will try the shea butter and lotion for my next roller set:):D

I went to a dominican salon and they used Lacio Lacio. This was my first roller set ever. My hair came out looking so straight like it had jsut been relaxed ! And I have not relaxed my hair in almost a year.
wow its beautiful!!! i can imagen some more cute looks with this after a few days when the curl have fallen(been slept on) like with a head band/ponytail- smashin lol
Great job!
Last week, I did a rollerset on my natural hair too! It's amazing what you can do with 4a/b hair! Our styling options are endless! :)
Thanks Ladies!!! Poohbear you're so right, it's ENDLESS.:) When my family and friends see me they can't believe how I can change up my looks so effortlessly. A perm is not necessary.
So what is best to use when rollersetting natural hair? I tried setting lotion and it made my hair hard.
Thanks Ladies! Mrs. Lala~ I not sure just yet, I plan on trying curlz milkshake and pantene setting lotion(relax/Natural) next. I will let you know how it turns out:)
cocomama said:
Thanks Ladies! Mrs. Lala~ I not sure just yet, I plan on trying curlz milkshake and pantene setting lotion(relax/Natural) next. I will let you know how it turns out:)

Thanks, my last rollerset didn't turn out good. I need to find something.