My first Pony Puff

Distorted Barbie

Well-Known Member
Here are pics of my first pony Puff thingy after a Rollerset GONE WRONG :nono:


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Thanks Ladies (p.s. It was a ribbon :)

Is that what you used to keep it up? I am looking for something to gather my hair but not tight like an rubber band/elastic band. Maybe I can try an old stocking or something. I was thinking something like a wide circular shape banana clamp....if you will.

I don't know if I'm explaining this right or not...but I want my hair to be just like yours whethe I want it in the top or back of my I can have curls hanging. Does that make sense?
Is that what you used to keep it up? I am looking for something to gather my hair but not tight like an rubber band/elastic band. Maybe I can try an old stocking or something. I was thinking something like a wide circular shape banana clamp....if you will.

I don't know if I'm explaining this right or not...but I want my hair to be just like yours whethe I want it in the top or back of my I can have curls hanging. Does that make sense?

Yes U make sense...I just tied a ribbon arround close to the front of my head. Then I tightened it until it was in a ponytail (like some people use pantyhose when makinga puff). I hope that I am making sense :perplexedA banana clip may work, as well. Just keep experimenting and I'm sure u'll find something that suits the look that u are going after... I hope this helps :ohwell: