My first & LAST Domincan salon experience (extremely long)

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!!! :wave:

I've mentioned this awful experience in passing, but I haven't really laid out the details of what happened. Initially, I decided I'd just keep it to myself, and consider it a lesson learned. BUT, I gave it more thought and I decided to go ahead and post what happened b/c:

1) Someone could probably draw something useful from the story
2) There are ladies on the board thinking about going to the stylist, and I'd like to save them some time, frustration, and money

So here goes...I don't even know where to start; it was just so wrong. I'll start from when I walked in the door. :look:

This is when I should have known there would be trouble. My appt. was for 10 AM, and I arrived at 9:55. She was STARTING on another head as I was walking in the door. She didn't invite me over to her chair until 10:35...I should've just left. :cool:

Well, I get in the chair and take my bun down. She's like :eek: "You have a lot of hair." I said, "Um, yeah. I guess." She proceeds to give me the third degree about why I had so much new growth. I explain that I hadn't had a relaxer in 6 months. She advises me that I should NEVER go that long without a relaxer. She says I should go no longer than 8 weeks. Then she asks, and I quote, "WHY ISN'T YOUR HAIR BROKEN OFF?" I'm like :confused: "What do you mean?" She says, "Well, most of the time when people go too long without a relaxer, they have a lot of breakage and damage but you don't." I say, "Well, that's because I take care of it." She says, "Oh" and keeps looking through it. Then she almost got slapped because of this exchange:

Stylist: Um, you need a trim.
Me: Oh, no thank you.
Stylist: Yes, you really need one.
Me: No, I'll take care of my ends once I get home.
Stylist: No, I'll just go ahead and trim them.
Me: :eek: NO. I prefer to trim them myself. If you come near my head with a pair of shears, I will get up and walk out of here with your cape and your towel on.
Stylist: Ok, ok, just relax. We'll just see how it goes. Don't worry girl, I'm not gonna cut all your hair off. I know how hard it is for YOU BLACK WOMEN to grow your hair.
Me: :mad: Um, just apply the relaxer, please.

So she starts applying the relaxer and realizes that there is a FOREST of new growth on my head and that it will be a challenge. Now when I spoke w/ her on the phone to set the appt. up, I asked how much she would charge. She said $55. She didn't mention any other costs. Well, as she's wading through my waves, this exchange comes about:

Stylist: Did I give you a price?
Me: Yes, you said $55.
Stylist: :ohwell: Um, it's $55 for the relaxer and $35 for the shampoo and deep condition.
Me: :confused: Huh? You told me $55.
Stylist: I know, but that doesn't include the shampoo and style.
Me: Um, ok. :cool: (I didn't say anything b/c she was putting chemicals in my head at this point.)

So after she finishes applying the relaxer, we let it sit for about 15 minutes, and I tell her that I'm ready to rinse. She insists that it's not time, but I demand that she come rinse it. So as she is rinsing, this exchange occurs:

Me: So, about this extra $35, I'm not paying extra for a shampoo and deep condition. I can go home and do that myself. So just rinse the relaxer, and I'll pay you and leave.
Stylist: No, you can't leave without your hair finished.
Me: Yes, I can. I'm not paying you $90 for a Motions relaxer. I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. Besides that, you should have told me that on the phone if that was the case.
Stylist: Well, what do black people charge you?
Me: :confused: What difference does that make? They don't charge $90.
Stylist: Ok, well we'll work it out.

She proceeds to rinse and deep condition. Then she rinses the conditioner and does a roller set. Her rollerset was flawless. That's the ONLY thing she did right. Then she puts me under some SUPER hot dryer that I couldn't stand for more than 10 minutes. So I come from under there, and she walks over and tries to push me back under and I explain that the dryer is ridiculously hot, and that I'd prefer to use the regular dryer. She says ok and I get up and move. I knew my hair was not gonna be dry b/c it never dries that quickly. She takes me out anyway, and takes the rollers down. Then she starts complaining that it's still damp in some places. I just look at her like she's stupid b/c I had already told her that it wasn't dry. So she explains that it's ok b/c she going to blowdry the rest and the roots. I say fine, and she whips out her dryer. Then she hands me her business card AS IF she thinks I'm ever stepping foot in her salon again. :lachen: She starts working through my hair, and I'm jumping and drawing up b/c the dryer is HOT. I was almost in tears...I have NEVER had such a painful hair experience in my life...I've never had relaxer burns like THAT. The heat was unbearable, and at one point, I had to ask her to stop. My scalp was so tender when she finished. I knew from all that heat that a Dominican blowout was what I was experiencing, and I knew from the way my scalp felt that a Dominican blowout was something I never wanted to experience again...EVER.:mad:

So she finishes up, and the exchange goes like this:
Me: You take check cards right?
Stylist:Yes. I'm gonna charge you $70, ok?
Me: No, I'm paying you $55 because that's what we agreed on.
Stylist: How about $65?
Me: This is not an auction. I will pay you $60, tip included. It's not a negotiable matter. You told me $55 on the phone, and you have to honor that price.

So she runs my card for $60, I sign my draft, and I leave. My hair was pretty...the curl was much tighter than I like from her whippin that dern brush *too* much, but still I had a fresh texlaxer, and my hair looked great after the 6 month stretch...I credit myself for that and not her awful butt. To add insult to all of this injury, my hair didn't even almost a little bit process. I washed my hair the following week, and it quickly reverted. I mean, it looks like a relaxer hasn't even been in the same room as my hair. So I've got 8 months of new growth on my head. I'm not panicking though. I'm gonna do a corrective soon b/c I'm not ready to transition yet. This would be the perfect time, but I want to wait until my schedule is less hectic, and I have more time & attention to give to my hair during the trying transition phase.

This is the stylist's information. Avoid her if you like your hair.
Clara (owner of the salon :shocked:)
Salon de Belleza Dominico
8440 Laurel Canyon Blvd
Sun Valley, California 91352

So anyway, that's what happened. Marguerite Samuels of Mesch Hair Studio in Studio City is the only stylist worst than this lady. Those two should start a club for stylists with poor customer service. :lol:

So to the ladies who were considering using this stylist for a Dominican blowout...YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. :cool:
i have only been the the dominicans once, and my rollerset was perfect. Sorry about your negative experience. Pictures please, I want to see the growth you got from the christmas streach club, it would be my inspiration cause I am trying to stretch until graduation:)
oh my God, that sounds like my worst nightmare! But sadly, I've been through a similar experience, relaxer burns from a bad (or non-existant) basing, then hot abuse from the blow dryer, Its a crime, I tell you, a crime! :mad: Way to give her a piece of your mind, I'm glad you stood fast with the pricing and didn't let her get away with that nonsense! ;)
maryj1584 said:
just saw the pics, beautiful hair

Thank you. :kiss: Those aren't the greatest, but more are coming, I promise! My cable for my digital cam is being shipped to me (left it at home during Christmas) so as soon as I get it, I plan to upload more.:look:

BeautifulWideEyes said:
woooooooow, that was crazy, at least U stayed in control of the situation.

I tried. I've had so many poor salon experiences that I've gotten intolerant of some of the nonsense that goes on. I'm glad that I'm at a point where I can explicitly state what I want and firmly insist that I get it. :thumbsup:

Bluebear, YES, she is the horrible, and LKay's, we would've come to BLOWS if she had cut my hair!

HarmonySD, that sucks that you had a similar experience. Girl, she was tryin to straight up SWINDLE me outta 90 bucks!! :naughty:
Question: How in the HELL do you apply a relaxer without the expectation of shampooing the hair?!!!! How did she figure she could charge you for something that was a part of the relaxer process??? Stupid :angry2: :censored:
wow thats really bad :nono: Im glad you stayed in control of the situation :yep: Thats why I only allowed them to do rollersets and nothing more when I was relaxed, anything more complicated than that spelled drama.
Chinagem said:
Question: How in the HELL do you apply a relaxer without the expectation of shampooing the hair?!!!! How did she figure she could charge you for something that was a part of the relaxer process??? Stupid :angry2: :censored:

EXACTLY!!! That's why I wasn't goin for it...I told her that relaxing/shampooing/conditioning is a PACKAGED process! :swearing:
Damn girl! I'm sorry you had such a bad experience, but happy that she didn't jack your head up. Good for you for standing your ground.

And she's the owner?!:eek:
Wow... that experience sounds so unreal. I've experienced bad customer service at salons before but that is just horrible! I'm sorry that happened to you. It sounds like she was trying to cheat you too. I've never heard of charging separately for a shampoo and deep condition after a relaxer. It should be a given that when you get a relaxer you shampoo and deep condition the hair afterwards. As for blowouts, I never get those 'cause just by looking at how it's done makes my head hurt.
Hey girl..sooo sorry about your experience. That is crazy.
I grew up on Dominican stylists, thats all that I let do my hair and thats the only ones I will allow to touch it now. U get use to that HURT from the
of course not all can't be good..sigh. I only started having bad experiences when I left NYC.
What a horrible experince to go thru. That was crazy for her to say she is charging seperate for washing/con. Thats included in a touchup. U def held your ground telling her you'll go wash it yourself..:lachen:
Were they dark Dominicans??
sorry to hear you had such a bad experience there

and it was extra rude for her to act racist to her "client".

I've already sworn all stylists off my list.....well welcome to the club!!!
the no stylists club!! :lol:

*eta: btw I just saw your new pics, they're beautiful!! please add more!:spank:
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I'm glad you stood up for yourself, DI! I need to print out all of these "salon warrior" stories and take them with me the next time I go to a salon. :knight: It'll give me some extra strength to say NO to crazy stylists.

Your hair is lovely!!!
Horrible experience! I am glad you stayed in control and held your grown.

One thing I would like to point out though is if I am not mistaken a relaxer can not revert. So maybe she was right when she said it wasn't ready to come off. ????

But, its good you got out of their regardless with hair still on your head, thats a blessing in itself.
She shouldn't have said she was going to charge extra for a shampoo. When I got my hair relaxed after stretching 4 months, I had so much new growth, it was considered a virgin relaxer:lol: Maybe she was trying to charge you for all the extra work she had to do if you had over 5 inches of new growth, but she didn't word it right, if you didn't have over 5 inches then she was an idiot;)
ETA: Your hair is beautiful!
sylver2 said:
Were they dark Dominicans??
Hey, they were Mexicans!!!

*Dee* said:
I've already sworn all stylists off my list.....well welcome to the club!!!
the no stylists club!!
Yes, I'm thinking of trying self-relaxing for my next one...I don't know how much more of this I can take. :nono:

CandiceC said:
I'm glad you stood up for yourself, DI! I need to print out all of these "salon warrior" stories and take them with me the next time I go to a salon. It'll give me some extra strength to say NO to crazy stylists.

Your hair is lovely!!!
:lachen: You crack me up!!! There are plenty of these stories to go around that's for sure...I could probably write a book all by myself! Thanks for the compliment! :kiss:

TrustMeLove said:
One thing I would like to point out though is if I am not mistaken a relaxer can not revert. So maybe she was right when she said it wasn't ready to come off. ????

Well, yes and no. Yes b/c I wanted it to be straighter than it is...I used reversion in the wrong context. I said reversion b/c the only reason my hair was straight when I left was b/c of that fire-spitting blowdryer she has so when water hit it, it went back to its original state. I say no because I actually *wanted* much of my curl pattern to be left (hence the transition to texlaxed), but you can't even tell a relaxer has been on my head...and that's not what I was going for. :ohwell:

@Lanelle & *Dee*, yes she was VERY racist for what she said, but sometimes I think other minorities think it's ok to make those kinds of remarks just b/c they're not white. But I don't really care what you are, you should NOT be generalizing and making racially insensitive comments. I mean, what if I had said, "Oh, can I get some quesedillas while I'm under the dryer?" She woulda looked at me like I had lost it! :mad:

@Indefinite, thanks for the compliment! :kiss:
I've had my share of horror stories too. :lol: :

I remember when I was on a 12 week stretch. I went to the salon for a blow-out.. I prob was about 10 weeks or less... I dunno, but the woman was yanking my hair as she was rollersetting it. She kept sucking her teeth and adding more water and shaking her head! As if I wasn't PAYING her to do my hair and doing HER an injustice by having my hair done. :eek: She kept telling me, "Mami you need a relaxer, okay!" I told her, "No, not yet." And we kept going back and forth. Anyway, when she was done burning the HELL outta me with the dryer and ripping my hair out with the brush, she told me....."Don't come back next time if you don't have a relaxer." :eek: LOL. I simply nodded my head and went out the door and told myslef, "she ain't seeing me in a WHILE"

So now, I only go to her IF I've had a fresh relaxer and HAPPEN to want a blow-out (if at all). So the last few times I went (the last time was in Nov.), she keeps telling me, "Mami, long time no see. You never come anymore." I just smile and say... "Oh I'm too busy to take care of my hair these days." :lol:

But in the end... Not ALL stylists are bad. I still go to this particular stylist whenever I need a blowout b/c she's the only one who listens and follows everything I say without getting angry. She understands how anal I am about my hair.
Sorry you had to go through that. Some of the ladies here have had good experience. I still wouldn't go to a dominican salon though. I don't think my hair can stand the stress.
Dang girl! Sorry you had such a bad experience! The same thing happpened to me back in December with the whole blowdryer from hell thing. I said the same thing... we need to warn each other about those dryers!

The funny thing is I got a blowout while I was in NY for New Years and it didn't burn. It must be the technique:confused: .

I just went back to my salon on Tuesday. You should have seen the look on her face when I walked in :eek:! But at least now we have an understanding that I won't be getting blowouts anymore!
I'm sorry you had to go thru that. I never quite understood all the hype about Dominican salons. So they can straighten NG really good without a relaxer, but the amount of heat used in the process is really damaging. Besides when I do go them they can be really disrespectful sometimes, talking about me in Spanish and what not. All they ever say in English is "mami you needi relaxer" or "mami you needi trim". I swore to never go to the Dom. Salon around the corner from my house in NY b/c they were so disrespectful the last time I went. A good stylist is so hard to find.
I was just thinking of going to this salon...:shocked: I am so glad that I raed this post before I went there. You handled this situation perfectly and extremly lady-like ans that is an A+ in my book. :)
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That $5 tip was too much for her with that attitude!!! She is the owner so it is probably profit for her.
OMG!!!:eek: That was horrible and I can't believe she had the nerve to say how hard a time black women have growing their hair. Anyway I am glad you stood your ground! Sorry for the terrible experience. Stylists like this make it harder for the good stylists that are out there.
DI, wow am I sorry to hear about that experience. You handled it nicely though. :up:

Thank you for the warning. I have not completely sworn off salons. But hearing these stories about the Dominican salons... :nono: I am afraid to go to them now. I'm sure some of them do good work, but knowing my luck I'll end up with a horrible one with a bad attitude.

BTW, very nice hair.