My first henna (plethora of pics)


Well-Known Member
I took loads of pics of this first henna experience. I really would like to do it again using lemon (I didnt have any this time) and doing it for a little longer. I thought it would be much more drying than it actually was. I did a protein treatment that morning and I randomly decided I wanted to henna while browsing lhcf. So I thought my hair would have been a desert that I would just water and condition all day (which I still did but still I thought it would have been much worse. Next time I will be sure to not use protein (the henna wasnt planned this time) so that I can use the drying lemon. Oh and I rushed doing a henna because I am leaving town this weekend and I wanted to look cute with the red.

Here I mixed paprika, tumeric, cinnamon, and a tiny bit of all spice


Mixed in with henna

Red wine vinegar, olive oil, nd a little cocoa butter


one tea bag was broken and made little particles everywhere. I used raspberry zinger (tasty :lick:)


things used


Mixed up

Dry hair Before




Application set up. I was totally ready for the mess lol. didnt want to dirty anything but a towel so
I did this without clothes :look:

damp clean hair



After applying



Marinated for 9.5 hours


I purposely left it off my roots

Next time I will try to do better with an even application


The back looks so gross lol

freshly rinsed, very damp, and red is visible slightly


the right side took better



overall (this is all before DC'ing) and with flash


After DC and rollers w/ flash


no flash

ends took nice but I want them more red


in low light conditions


I think this is with flash


No flash


this is probably the truest representation of the color right now


but I want it to get to looking like the pics with flash like this


I do think my hair feels like super strong but obviously I did a protein treatment too so that affects it. I am being super gentle with my hair at the moment. Oh and I want to add that I DC with heat before washing my hair and applying the henna. And then DCed twice after rinsing out the henna (once for 2 hrs 15 min of heat, before class then again for about 4 hrs with 30 min of heat)
I left the henna sitting for 6 hrs and henna'd for 9.5 hrs as well.
Starting monday I will be DCing everyday all day except when I have class and when I get home put dc in my hair again until the next class. Oh and to add my hair loves protein. I would never take this risk if it didnt. I can do an aphogee 2 min every week and my hair will feel moist. Going longer than 2 weeks w/o it gives me serious breakage

I also wish I would have taken b4 pics with flash so ya'll can see the difference. Its a shiny dark brown color. I never usually use flash bcuz i never was checkin for color.. I will see if maybe i have an old pic somewhere
lol my roommate/landlord showed some concerns so i wanted to make sure nothing stained. I kept everything in the tub or next to the tub and put a long mirror next to it so I could see my hair better
Looks great! I have Karishma henna too and I like it a lot. I want to try Napur and Jamila too just to see if I can get a looser texture.
The color looks great! My henna mix is more like pancake batter, yours is like brownie batter. Did you have a hard time smoothing it in your hair with it being so thick?
ScorpioLove where did you buy this henna? I want my hair to be the same color as yours with the bright flash. i got it this color before with a semipermanent dye but it grew out and I'd like to do it a more natural way.

Also is this henna safe for relaxed hair. I remember reading that you shouldn't henna too close to relaxer or something... are you relaxed? and if so, can you tell me more about this?
i love how it turned out. that's the same brand of henna that i used last time i did it. works like a charm.

i'm sure you'll be able to achieve the deeper red tint with continued use
lovebug10 said:
ScorpioLove where did you buy this henna? I want my hair to be the same color as yours with the bright flash. i got it this color before with a semipermanent dye but it grew out and I'd like to do it a more natural way.

Also is this henna safe for relaxed hair. I remember reading that you shouldn't henna too close to relaxer or something... are you relaxed? and if so, can you tell me more about this?

Im relaxed. I got it at the indian bazaar near me. It helps with thickness of the hair so its really good for my relaxed thin hair. Its the first time i used it but there is alot of info in the do you henna? Thread.
Looks good. I ordered some cassia a few days ago, maybe I should have went with henna. I like your results. How many grams came in that package? $1.99 is the cheapest I've seen.
greenandchic said:
The color looks great! My henna mix is more like pancake batter, yours is like brownie batter. Did you have a hard time smoothing it in your hair with it being so thick?

Kind of, i ran out of tea and i didnt want to put more red wine vinegar. Next time i will make more tea than i need so i dont run out. I think the oil i put in it made it a little easier to deal with
Looks great! I love henna, although I havent used it in a while I need to get back to it.
I have a box of Jamila that has been staring at me for the past few months that I need to use.
manter26 said:
Looks good. I ordered some cassia a few days ago, maybe I should have went with henna. I like your results. How many grams came in that package? $1.99 is the cheapest I've seen.

It wad 150 grams for two dollars. To do it frequently it would have to be economical
Very pretty! I henna every 2 months & always use the brand that you are using. I have tried others but this one is my fav. It washes out very easy.

Where did you find your recipe? Did the red wine & cinnamon enhance the color?
finickyone said:
Very pretty! I henna every 2 months & always use the brand that you are using. I have tried others but this one is my fav. It washes out very easy.

Where did you find your recipe? Did the red wine & cinnamon enhance the color?

I just mixed things that is said to lighten hair. Cinnamon and lemon does this but i had no lemon. I thought red wine would add to the color. Im not sure because i had never henna'd before so i dont know for sure but i think it helped the red
Wow, what an awesome post - thanks for taking the time to go into such detail OP! This is a very inspiring thread!
Your hair turned out really nice! I use karishma too and love it. I wish I could find it locally. Its not as cheap online to buy.

I am going to try your recipe. I have only used warm water in mine.
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the least messy way Ive found to apply it is in the kitchen in the sink. i do 4 sections. and leaning my head over the kitchen sink I add it to each section at a time & secure each one with a plastic clip. very easy clean up.