My First Henna Experience


New Member
My general opinion of Henna is all in all GREAT, but I had a few bumps along the way!
Well, I FINALLY broke down a tried henna after WEEKs of going back and forth about it. My henna mix was pretty simple I thought, but Im going to switch it up next time, I had problems with it that Ill explains in a minute. I mixed the henna (Jamila) with yogurt, water, shea oil, castor oil, and a TINY bit of ACV. I let it sit for a day to do its dye release and everything was fine. the application was not as messy as I thought, I covered everything with old towels and just started grabbing handfuls of it out of the bowl and slopping it on (used gloves of course). Application went smoothly and the mixture was very creamy. So I let it sit on my hair pretty much all day yesterday. I went under the dryer for an hour and just let it on while I did housework, etc.

The problems started upon rinsing. Now, the henna rinsed out FINE and wasnt as hard to rinse out as I heard it was. My hair, though, was tangled to no end. So I decided to use my beloved CON shampoo (BIG MISTAKE) and that didnt work at all. So I use Keracare Hydrating and the tangles fell out of my hair. I then deep conditioned with Capilo Milk and Honey which is one of my more moisturizing conditioners. I rinsed it out and my hair seemed FINE. I get out of the shower and start applying my leave-in and the nightmare began again, I could feel a difference in my hair, definately STRONGER (and the color was gorgeous and uniform) but very hard to deal with, I can usually comb my leave-in through once then brush my hair back into a bun with no problems. My hair was just so hard to deal with, every time I MOVED it, it tangled, so instead of brushing it back into a bun I just did it with my hands put my scarf on a went to bed, I was SO pissed off.

So I wake up this morning, took my scarf off and my mouth dropped, the shine was BLINDING! I took my bun down and my hair looked thicker and was SO soft. Im actually going to flat-iron it tonight, just to really see the color and new thickness, but all in all I LOVE it. The hardness I got could've been from either the yogurt and it may have even been the lil bit of ACV I used, so next time Ill just do the Henna, water, and oil (maybe even a lil bit of honey). I do love it though and THANKS SO MUCH to all of you ladies for your advice and reviews!
I am glad you tried it. My hair tangled as well but I felt the same way you did when it dried. You can see and feel the difference.
Babygurl said:
My general opinion of Henna is all in all GREAT, but I had a few bumps along the way!
Well, I FINALLY broke down a tried henna after WEEKs of going back and forth about it. My henna mix was pretty simple I thought, but Im going to switch it up next time, I had problems with it that Ill explains in a minute. I mixed the henna (Jamila) with yogurt, water, shea oil, castor oil, and a TINY bit of ACV. I let it sit for a day to do its dye release and everything was fine. the application was not as messy as I thought, I covered everything with old towels and just started grabbing handfuls of it out of the bowl and slopping it on (used gloves of course). Application went smoothly and the mixture was very creamy. So I let it sit on my hair pretty much all day yesterday. I went under the dryer for an hour and just let it on while I did housework, etc.

The problems started upon rinsing. Now, the henna rinsed out FINE and wasnt as hard to rinse out as I heard it was. My hair, though, was tangled to no end. So I decided to use my beloved CON shampoo (BIG MISTAKE) and that didnt work at all. So I use Keracare Hydrating and the tangles fell out of my hair. I then deep conditioned with Capilo Milk and Honey which is one of my more moisturizing conditioners. I rinsed it out and my hair seemed FINE. I get out of the shower and start applying my leave-in and the nightmare began again, I could feel a difference in my hair, definately STRONGER (and the color was gorgeous and uniform) but very hard to deal with, I can usually comb my leave-in through once then brush my hair back into a bun with no problems. My hair was just so hard to deal with, every time I MOVED it, it tangled, so instead of brushing it back into a bun I just did it with my hands put my scarf on a went to bed, I was SO pissed off.

So I wake up this morning, took my scarf off and my mouth dropped, the shine was BLINDING! I took my bun down and my hair looked thicker and was SO soft. Im actually going to flat-iron it tonight, just to really see the color and new thickness, but all in all I LOVE it. The hardness I got could've been from either the yogurt and it may have even been the lil bit of ACV I used, so next time Ill just do the Henna, water, and oil (maybe even a lil bit of honey). I do love it though and THANKS SO MUCH to all of you ladies for your advice and reviews!

Glad your experience with henna was not on the negative side. I used yogurt only once in my henna mixture, and my hair just does not like it. I do use acv to release the henna, and I add evoo, honey and hot water and that is it. I use to leave my henna on for around 4-5 hours, now I just get under the hair dryer for 1 hour and rinse it out. I do use a moisturising conditioner afterwards for 30-60 minutes without heat, and my hair turns out wonderfully. Do you use some sort of detangler to help you detangle your hair. I just purchased Wanakee's conditioning detangling spray and it works very well to detangle my hair.
fancypants007 said:
Glad your experience with henna was not on the negative side. I used yogurt only once in my henna mixture, and my hair just does not like it. I do use acv to release the henna, and I add evoo, honey and hot water and that is it. I use to leave my henna on for around 4-5 hours, now I just get under the hair dryer for 1 hour and rinse it out. I do use a moisturising conditioner afterwards for 30-60 minutes without heat, and my hair turns out wonderfully. Do you use some sort of detangler to help you detangle your hair. I just purchased Wanakee's conditioning detangling spray and it works very well to detangle my hair.

That probably the part that made me the most mad...usually when I have any tangles Ill use my Organics Shea Detangler, Elasta H-Two, or I have a lil bit of Pantene Hydrating Curls mixed with water that knocks out ANY tangles, but none of these worked.
Congrats Babygurl!

I received my henna last week and I still have yet to get it going. I'm ready for some strength,thickness and shine myself.

I know you got pics, right? I'm in your album right now and I don't see any.
You know we gonna want to see that gorgeous hair of yours bling blinging!
I have been eyein henna for a while now.

i want to do it but i dont want it to lighten my hair.... can u let me know how much henna u used on your hair, i am struggling with how much i should buy.

i am also confused about my mixture and if i should do indigo cuz i want my hair jet black and shiney.
Country gal said:
I might have to try it now since JLOVE broke it down for me. Her hair always looks shiny and healthy.

:) :) Awww, you're so sweet. I told you it was real simple to use - did you get a box at the mtg?
gorgeoushair said:

I know you got pics, right? I'm in your album right now and I don't see any.
You know we gonna want to see that gorgeous hair of yours bling blinging!

I havent taken pics in MONTHS, Im just lazy. Ill see that I can do about pics but I wont promise anything. :lol:
Qetesh said:
I have been eyein henna for a while now.

i want to do it but i dont want it to lighten my hair.... can u let me know how much henna u used on your hair, i am struggling with how much i should buy.

i am also confused about my mixture and if i should do indigo cuz i want my hair jet black and shiney.

Well for ME Henna made my hair darker. My hair is pretty much black at the roots but Ive had brown ends for the longest. Thats the first thing I noticed that my hair is all one color now...its dark and I can see the reddish highlights at certain angles in certain light.
I thought I would need more because my hair is almost waist length but I only used 100g of Henna , I suppose I was able to stretch it out due to the yogurt. I want to try indigo soon and though I would have to, but for now the Henna by itself made my hair dark enough.
I'm glad your hair came out great in the end. I can't wait for those henna pics!
I would love to try some henna and indigo since my hair is a WRECK!!! lol the winter has officially killed it lol.
Babygurl said:
That probably the part that made me the most mad...usually when I have any tangles Ill use my Organics Shea Detangler, Elasta H-Two, or I have a lil bit of Pantene Hydrating Curls mixed with water that knocks out ANY tangles, but none of these worked.

:eek: ....

*jotting down...*
I'm so happy it turned out well for you Babygurl!! I can imagine how gorgeous your hair looks, and it was already gorgeous!!:)
Hey Babygurl!

Just came in to see how your henna experience was.
Can't wait to see your pics and as always, that hair is beautiful......:D
Great results, I got tangling to. My hair is still hard to detangle after my hendigo but it is so much thicker. Please post pics:( :)
Babygurl, you are definitely my idol. I'm glad it well for you. Just the thought of that beautiful hair being ruined gave me the chills. Will you henna again? That just sound too extreme for me to get into. My hair takes up enough time now. I think when they may a henna mixed and ready to use, I may try it.
Your experience sounds almost like mine. I agree it is worth it. I'll be doing my fourth application soon. The shine is unbelievable!
janeemat said:
Babygurl, you are definitely my idol. I'm glad it well for you. Just the thought of that beautiful hair being ruined gave me the chills. Will you henna again? That just sound too extreme for me to get into. My hair takes up enough time now. I think when they may a henna mixed and ready to use, I may try it.

Thank you so very much! Yeah I thought I may have ruined it too, but Im LOVING my hair right now and have gotten nothing but compliments, If I can just find a way to calm some of the tangling from Henna Ill be fine. Yes Ill continue to use Henna Ive already seen great results and to know that they get BETTER with more usage, im SOLD. Ill just be sure to leave the yogurt and ACV out of my next mixture, hopefully that'll alleviate the problem.
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