My First Henna Experience (Pics) Kind of Long


New Member
OMG I love my hair :love4:. I don't know what took me so long to do this. My hair love Ayurveda but I guess I was scared to try henna. Last night I did my first henna. My hair as a result is great. It is so soft, strong, shiny, and the color is amazing.

Here's what I did:
- Dumped 1 box of Jamila (100gms) Henna in a glass bowl
- Mixed warm water from the facet in with a plastic spoon until a thick cake batter consistency
- Covered with 2 layers of saran wrap
- Let sit for about 3 hours. I didn't want to let the dye release fully out of fear I wouldn't like the outcome what my hair may look like
-Clarified hair with GVP Aloe Rid
-Put on terry cloth hair towel for few mins

- Un covered henna and added Honey, EVOO, and EVCO. I know I used at least 4 tbspns of EVOO and honey and 2 to 3 tblspn of EVCO (since I was running low) and mixed well until smooth
- Took off terry cloth towel, combed hair to detangle, section hair in 4 parts
-Applied sensitive scalp protectant around my hairline, ears, and nape to keep from staining
-Put a big towel on the floor and around my shoulders/neck, put on gloves and went to work.

-Using my hands starting from back applied henna in small sections from root to tip
-Wrapped my head in of saran wrap, let sit for about 50 mins. I would have left it for an hour but it was getting late or early in the morning and I was tired.

-Hopped in the shower and let the water pressure rinse my hair. My hair felt great when I rinsed it. It felt soft but a little gritty because I still had some henna in there.

-Using half a bottle of VO5 Moisture Milk co-washed. My hair felt like silk. It didn't even feel like I needed to DC at all, but I knew I would any how.

I was going to DC but I then decided to wash my hair with CON moisturizing/detangling shampoo because I still has some henna in my hair.

-Applied conditioners for DC: J/A/S/O/N Sea Kelp Moisturizing and Back to Basics Honey Hydrating Moisturizing conditioners.

-Put on plastic cap, and du-rag, went to bed.

In the morning, I woke up and rinsed my hair. I applied my leave ins, and sealed with EVCO, CO, dryed my hair and styled. My hair is wonderful. Love it , love it, love it!!!!:headspin: I am on cloud nine. All I can say is wow.

Click on the pics to enlarge.

My hair with the henna before I wrapped it in saran wrap

Natural light pics. Check out that color. I love it.

Indoor pics: The color is subtle and the shine is amazing.

My Conclusions:

I love Jamila henna:clap:. It rinsed out very easily and was very smooth going on. It was sifted very fine. I couldn't imagine using another henna that had all of the twigs and stuff in it.

My hair drys faster. I used my blow dryer on cool to dry my hair and it took 15 mins total. That's a first for me ever.

I am so glad I only let the dye release for only 3 hours instead of overnight. My natural hair color is a reddish brown and using the Ayurveda powders and hibiscus gave it pretty tint that I was content with. I was afraid if I let the dye release too long or left the henna on for too long my hair would come out looking really bright. That would not be cute. From now on I know exactly what to do to get the results I want.

Henna will never ever leave my regimen. I will do a full treatment once a month to every 6 weeks and glosses in between. My hair is thicker after one treatment. I didn't have a problem in the department to begin with but it is really noticeable. That is unbelievable.

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Welcome to the world of us henna heads.:grin:

Thanks, I am so excited. I've read the henna threads and always wanted to take the jump but I heard that it can dry your hair. That kept me kind of leary to try it. I am so glad I did.
looks great! do u think i would get a similar result on my (almost) black hair?
I am thinking of color options... i miss it and u've inspired me :ohwell:

From what I've read it won't show up as a complete color change on almost black hair. It will be more like a shiny glossy subtle coloring or high lights that is noticeable in the sun light. It won't look like you dyed your hair.

I didn't let the dye release fully for mine. My intentions were mostly for the conditioning and thickening with a little color. Maybe if you let yours release and then let the henna stay on for longer it will show more. I am not an expert so maybe someone else can help you.

You should check out Henna For Hair. I read that site for weeks. They have mixes where people have dyed their hair using henna. They added different things to do so.
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^^^Yes definitely. If you only want to strengthen without coloring then you should use Cassia. Some apply henna without letting the dye release, but it will still stain a little that way too. So your best best for no color is Cassia (neutral henna).
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OMG I love my hair :love4:. I don't know what took me so long to this. My hair love Ayurveda but I guess I was scared to try henna. Last night I did my first henna. My hair as a result is great. It is so soft, strong, shiny, and the color is amazing.

Here's what I did:
- Dumped 1 box of Jamila (100gms) Henna in a glass bowl
- Mixed warm water from the facet in with a plastic spoon until a thick cake batter consistency
- Covered with 2 layers of saran wrap
- Let sit for about 3 hours. I didn't want to let the dye release fully out of fear I wouldn't like the outcome what my hair may look like
-Clarified hair with GVP Aloe Rid
-Put on terry cloth hair towel for few mins

- Un covered henna and added Honey, EVOO, and EVCO. I know I used at least 4 tbspns of EVOO and honey and 2 to 3 tblspn of EVCO (since I was running low) and mixed well until smooth
- Took off terry cloth towel, combed hair to detangle, section hair in 4 parts
-Applied sensitive scalp protectant around my hairline, ears, and nape to keep from staining
-Put a big towel on the floor and around my shoulders/neck, put on gloves and went to work.

-Using my hands starting from back applied henna in small sections from root to tip
-Wrapped my head in of saran wrap, let sit for about 50 mins. I would have left it for an hour but it was getting late or early in the morning and I was tired.

-Hopped in the shower and let the water pressure rinse my hair. My hair felt great when I rinsed it. It felt soft but a little gritty because I still had some henna in there.

-Using half a bottle of VO5 Moisture Milk co-washed. My hair felt like silk. It didn't even feel like I needed to DC at all, but I knew I would any how.

I was going to DC but I then decided to wash my hair with CON moisturizing/detangling shampoo because I still has some henna in my hair.

-Applied conditioners for DC: J/A/S/O/N Sea Kelp Moisturizing and Back to Basics Honey Hydrating Moisturizing conditioners.

-Put on plastic cap, and du-rag, went to bed.

In the morning, I woke up and rinsed my hair. I applied my leave ins, and sealed with EVCO, CO, dryed my hair and styled. My hair is wonderful. Love it , love it, love it!!!!:headspin: I am on cloud nine. All I can say is wow.

Click on the pics to enlarge.

My hair with the henna before I wrapped it in saran wrap

Natural light pics. Check out that color. I love it.

Indoor pics: The color is subtle and the shine is amazing.

My Conclusions:

I love Jamila henna:clap:. It rinsed out very easily and was very smooth going on. It was sifted very fine. I couldn't imagine using another henna that had all of the twigs and stuff in it.

My hair drys faster. I used my blow dryer on cool to dry my hair and it took 15 mins total. That's a first for me ever.

I am so glad I only let the dye release for only 3 hours instead of overnight. My natural hair color is a reddish brown and using the Ayurveda powders and hibiscus gave it pretty tint that I was content with. I was afraid if I let the dye release too long or left the henna on for too long my hair would come out looking really bright. That would not be cute. From now on I know exactly what to do to get the results I want.

Henna will never ever leave my regimen. I will do a full treatment once a month to every 6 weeks and glosses in between. My hair is thicker after one treatment. I didn't have a problem in the department to begin with but it is really noticeable. That is unbelievable.


U posted this at the right time!! I am itching to try henna and just started a thread on it...I will def be going to the indian store tom to purchase some...I was scared to about letting it sit long but if u let it sit for a short period...maybe it isn't so bad after all

Thank u Thank u Thank u!!


U also answered my hesitation on whether I should clarify 1st or not
I dont know what your hair looked like before, but its very nice looking now :) So it makes your hair thicker? Hmmm maybe ill tell my mom to try that. She has beautiful hair, but its thinner than she would like. So it makes your hair lighter? Because i dont think she would like that. She likes her hair black. Any ways it looks lovely.
U posted this at the right time!! I am itching to try henna and just started a thread on it...I will def be going to the indian store tom to purchase some...I was scared to about letting it sit long but if u let it sit for a short period...maybe it isn't so bad after all

Thank u Thank u Thank u!!


U also answered my hesitation on whether I should clarify 1st or not

You're welcome. I read Jamila henna the one I used has a slow dye release. I wanted mostly the conditioning properties of the henna with a little color and got just that. There are others that release a lot faster so it all depends on the henna you use and how long you keep it on the hair. I would suggest doing a lot of research. The color I got was perfect. It is not over powering or too much. I love it.

Yes I think its best to clarify. From what I read you want to get rid of any residue on the hair so that the henna can really penetrate the hair. I clarified and then applied the henna to my damp hair. It was really easy to do that way, or you can dry your hair and henna on dry hair.
I dont know what your hair looked like before, but its very nice looking now :) So it makes your hair thicker? Hmmm maybe ill tell my mom to try that. She has beautiful hair, but its thinner than she would like. So it makes your hair lighter? Because i dont think she would like that. She likes her hair black. Any ways it looks lovely.

Thanks my hair is in great condition. Henna does thicken hair. I can tell after my first treatment.

It will definitely thicken her hair but you make sure you do a lot of research first before jumping into henna. She can try Cassia (neutral henna). It is supposed to be color less but works like henna in the thickening and strengthening. That way she won't have to worry about her dark hair changing colors.

Welcome,To The Henna Side. Your Hair Looks Great.Happy Hair Growing!
Thanks I'm loving it. :grin:
^^^ Thanks. Just be sure to do your research first. is a good one. She has a lot of information on her Henna for Hair site.

I also purchased some Jamila henna on eBay thinking I was getting a good deal until I went to an Indian food store. If you have some of those near it will be a lot cheaper to get it there.
Congratulations! You hair looks great!

Its kinda like doing a spa treatment for your hair. All of these henna threads have me excited for my next treatment!
Your hair does look REALLY good!!!

I've been so lazy! Haven't applied henna since May 15th! Your post has encouraged me to do so, I will in 2 weeks, definitely!

I'm glad you had a good experience with it! I will try Henna soon I think. Perhaps by month's end. I also like your protective style (the cornrows).
Awesome results sweetie.....I am so, so happy for you!

Thanks :)

Congratulations! You hair looks great!

Its kinda like doing a spa treatment for your hair. All of these henna threads have me excited for my next treatment!

You are so right. It is like a spa day for your hair. I thought my hair felt great after DCin'g weekly, but this took it to a whole different level.

Your hair does look REALLY good!!!

I've been so lazy! Haven't applied henna since May 15th! Your post has encouraged me to do so, I will in 2 weeks, definitely!

Thanks :) I can see how that can happen. It does take a lot of work to henna. I'm going to try my best to stay on my schedule and not fall off because I really love the results.:look:

I'm glad you had a good experience with it! I will try Henna soon I think. Perhaps by month's end. I also like your protective style (the cornrows).

Thanks, yeah I love it. Girl it is too hot to do anything else wit this hair. I just do 2 cornrows and tuck the ends up. To be jazzy I'll put on a cute outfit, big hoop earrings and put a flower in my hair. It is so cute. I always get tons of compliments when I do that, and my hair is protected. :yep:
Your hair is simply beautiful! I love those braids....but OMG.... :dighole: WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING ON TV?!?!? :hide:

Thanks, LOL OMG it was a Suddenlink Cable Commercial about bundling your services. I know it kind of looks funny. I saw that too. Its not what you're thinking. :lachen:

Here's one of the commercials. Not the same exact one but you get the picture. That's where the words on the TV came from. LOL
^^^Yes definitely. If you only want to strengthen without coloring then you should use Cassia. Some apply henna without letting the dye release, but it will still stain a little that way too. So your best best for no color is Cassia (neutral henna).
The effects from cassia aren't as long lasting as henna though. I tried cassia as a test run before using henna.
What a testimony to the benefits of henna! Glad you decided to try it, and ended up loving it after the first time!.Your henna color and hair thickness are amazing. Sooooooooo pretty!!:grin:
What a testimony to the benefits of henna! Glad you decided to try it, and ended up loving it after the first time!.Your henna color and hair thickness are amazing. Sooooooooo pretty!!:grin:

Thanks, I wish I would have tried henna a long time ago when I started with Ayurveda. It just amazes me how thick my hair is. I wish I could show more but since I'm in the Hide Your Hair Challenge I can't. I can't wait until Dec:grin:
Your hair looks great, and so thick. I've wanted to try henna for the longest time, but i was too scared, i think i will try it when i take my braids out.