my first hair nightmare


Well-Known Member
I woke up in a cold sweat!! I dreamt that I allowed my aunt to DUST my ends for me and she cut my hair off!!!!! Surely I'm not that obsessed with my hair that I'm dreaming about it!
LOL I usually dream about people putting a relaxer in my hair
I wake up in a cold sweat :lachen:
OMG me too. I had a dream some relaxer got om my hair and I had to transition again...I had to wake myself up from that dream
I've had some crazy hair nightmares too.
But lately, all my hair dreams have been great! My last one was of my walking down the street with hip length hair. The wind was blowing, and my hair was swanging, and everyone was looking at me and clapping. :lachen:
When I woke up, I snatched off my scarf and started feeling on my head....oh, the disappointment. :nono:
I had a dream last night that a hairdresser cut my hair into this ugly style. I have been thinking about cutting my hair a little below SL but the way she cut it turned out so bad. The dream seemed so realistic.
I had this very intense dream once that my entire head was made up of split ends. First off, in the dream every strand of hair was ridiculously thick like yarn, and they each had dozens of splits on top of splits. It looked crazy.
I plan to become natural at some point, when I'm mentally ready, but I recently had a dream that I woke up and someone had BC'd my hair overnight and I only had an inch of hair. I don't think I have EVER been so upset from a dream...I want to cry now just thinking about it. :look:
I've had the nightmare as well as the prophetic dreams. I always have the nightmares like clockwork around the time I need a little trim for some reason it always ends the same I'm bald and in tears. In my latest prophetic dream I had HL hair and I'm sitting on a park bench where I run into Chris Rock. He kept begging me to let him run his fingers through my hair, something about his hands being thirsty.
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I've had the nightmare as well as the prophetic dreams. I always have the nightmares like clockwork around the time I need a little trim for some reason it always ends the seem I'm bald and in tears. In my latest prophetic dream I had HL hair and I'm sitting on a park bench where I run into Chris Rock. He kept begging me to let him run his fingers through my hair, something about his hands being thirsty.

:lachen: Oh no, not THIRSTY!
I thought I was the only one who had hair nightmares. I had one that all my hair mysteriously fell out. In another I decided to relax my hair and ended up bald. I woke up reaching for my hair because the dream seemed so real. I had to go look in the mirror just to be sure it wasn't real.
I dream about my hair all the time! :drunk:

Usually the dreams are good; dreams in which my hair is super long, thick and beautiful, then I wake up only to find that... :nono:

Since I've gone natural though, I've had at least two dreams in which I relaxed my hair again! In fact, I just had this nightmarish dream last night! I was combing it all nicely and looking in the mirror like everything was fine! It was BONE STRAIGHT TOO!!!
oh i had a hair night mare too! i was giving my self a perm! it was crazy and i woke up with my hands in my hair..
this thread is so timely. i never have hair nightmares but delicious rapunzel like dreams. the other night i kept flicking two yummy thick pig tails over my shoulders. i was so jan brady about it. they were waist length. it felt so real, my heart was racing because i had finally reached my hair goal. damn dreams!
I had a dream once that i letmy sister braid my hair and they took out all my edges AGAIN ( she took out my whole left side when I was 12)

I never wanna go through that again :nono:
These are so interesting. :)

So far, I have not yet had a nightmare. I have had dreams when I step into the shower with shoulder length twists and get out with hip length twists. Or....I lean back into the washing bowl at a salon with shoulder length hair and the beautician sits me up to find that my hair has grown to hip and tailbone length while washing.

Everyone - including me - is amazed.

I am not looking forward to any nightmares. I have, however, had nightmares about my teeth breaking off in my mouth. ???
I had a weird dream a few weeks ago! I started out the dream with APL hair (I'm at SL unstretched right now). I was about to leave the house to go somewhere with my friends, then I stopped to look in the mirror before I walked out. A lil' part of the edges were gone! So I kinda freaked out but I covered it. After that, every time I looked in the mirror I had lost patches of my hair. It's like alopecia on crack! The whole dream I was freaking out and running around the house trying to find products/ways to fix my hair with these large bald spots (in the FRONT). I woke up in a cold sweat! It was bananas...