My first flexirod set!!! (pics)


New Member
I promise that this ISN’T my last experiment… :p Okay ladies, I’m sorry but it's summertime and I’m experimenting with a lot of styles so please bear with me and my posts! :(

Last night I did my first flexi rod set. I’ve done this style on others before, but never on my own hair. The outcome wasn’t that great in my opinion :ohwell: , but it made a great updo! :clap: [If you want to skip this next part and jump to my album to see the outcome feel free…]

What I did:

  • Condition washed hair
  • Parted large sections of hair
  • In each section I applied Sta Sof Fro (sp?) and Aphogee moisturizer to my new growth, sprayed a mixture of Lotta Body Setting Solution diluted with water along the rest of my hair, and added some gel.
** Okay now I know you’re thinking… “Wow that’s a lot of products…” --- and believe me, it was. I believe using too many products was why my hair didn’t dry well enough even after sitting under the dryer for 30 minutes; however, I can tell you that it was softer than a baby’s bottom :grin: !!! Next time I’ll stick to using only my Lotta Body setting solution mixture and a moisturizer for my new growth. LESS IS BEST and it’s always worked for my previous styles!!! ***

  • Rolled each section on the flexirod starting at about 7/8 of an inch toward the bottom of the rod and twisting it up to my scalp.
  • Applied 5 perm rods to the small hairs in the back and along the hairline since I didn’t want these hairs twisted around a flexi rod (the ends of these hairs are relaxed and not that strong!) :nono:.
  • Sat under the dryer for about 30 minutes…I was too tired to stay under there any longer!
The style didn’t come out the way I wanted it to and I blame that on how the products I used, and in some way my parting. However, I will try this style again, but I’m back to the drawing board to see what other styles are out there! Look out; my next post might be twists…who knows…. :grin:

If you have any cute summer style suggestions, please share! ;)
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i thought it looked really cute pinned up (but i guess you already know that! :lol: )

and i gotta agree on the too much product observation...that lotta body setting lotion keeps my hair wet for hours and hours!
Shatani said:
i thought it looked really cute pinned up (but i guess you already know that! :lol: )

and i gotta agree on the too much product observation...that lotta body setting lotion keeps my hair wet for hours and hours!

:grin:...thanks girl. You know I believe that Aphogee moisturizer was the culprit behind my hair staying damp for so long, but it also made my hair feel sooo smooth! I used it in my second braidout and my hair felt so good! Awww...:p
Shatani said:
ive never tried it before....but now im intrigued!

It’s called “Aphogee Balancing Moisturizer”. It’s supposed to “correct hair’s moisture balance” and “improve shine and manageability.” Although the directions say wait 5 minutes and then rinse this out, I leave it in! What made me do it I don’t know, but I’m glad I did! :) It doesn't leave a build-up of any sort and has only improved my hair's softness/moisture!
Shatani said:
and you just whip it on your hair when its damp??? have you ever tried it on dry hair??

Yep. :) I haven't tried it on dry hair yet because I've been styling my hair after each condition wash.
I think it looks fine, but I understand where you are coming from. When I did it, it came out rather tightly coiled and I didn't like it. Keep trying it and it will be perfected!
Love the color by the way!
cute updo girlie with those flexi-rods! Hehe how do you make sure that the rods don't come out of your hair? Do you bend them in the opposite direction?