My first curlformerization :)

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
I used 40 14'' a few extra long ones 22'' and maybe 3 or so blue and green ones because they get the edges better but it is a different type of curl. I bought 2 extra long kits and 1 blue and green kit. I did NOT need the Extra Long kit at all. But my thinking is that I'll grow into them :)

I didn't want to do them myself so I went to a salon. They charged me $55. I wasn't that crazy about the look but my 4B roots are supper straight as if they were flat ironed. No styling product was used except for the salons leave-in. I sat under a hairdryer for about 1 hour. I'll try them with no indirect heat application next time. I'll update my day 3 pic. They've been pinned since the night after the event on Friday and in need of moisture so I'll apply some shea butter.

Here are my tips:
1. Make sure hair is thoroughly detangled. She stopped detangling the sections so when it came time to separate the curls, the hair got frizzy.
2. Make sure your hair is wet before using the rollers for better stretch. Wetting the hair after will not work.
3. If you have hair hanging out of the roller even though your hair is not longer then the stretched roller, you did something wrong. Redo.
4. I wear two buns at night by wrapping the hair around and pinning with bobby pins.


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