My first clarifying shampoo at home


New Member
I did my first clarifying shampoo ever at home this morning. My hair was looking blah and I have been wanting to give this a try. I used Pantene's Clarifying Shampoo and followed it with Pantene's Daily Moisture Renewal. Can I just say, OMG!!!! I love this conditioner! I was scared at first because I have never clarified and was not used to that stripped feeling, but I love the feel and smell of the clarifier. It doesn't feel like it is stripping when you are washing. Anyway, I applied the conditioner, finished my shower and proceeded to rinse out the conditioner. That's when I almost fell in the shower, lol! My hair just slipped through my fingers. It was incredible! I cannot recall my hair ever feeling that silky and smooth before. I have come close with the Motions Moisture Plus, but the mineral oil in that product gives a slight different feel. I am in love.

Did I do the follow-up correctly after clarifying? Should I have done a deep conditioner instead? I wondered about that after I completed my rollerset. Can I just follow-up with a deep conditioner on my next condition wash or should I wait until I wash with shampoo again in about 5 days or so?

I can't wait to see how my hair turns out later on in the day.
Yes, you did a good job.
I think it's always a good idea to follow up a clarifying shampoo with a conditioner that gives your hair a lot of slip (aka detangling properties). It's also a good idea to do a deep conditioner too (since the hair is so nice and clean).
i think it would be beneficial to do a deep condition after your next wash just because you didnt do one after this wash. i tend to switch off like that.
azul11 said:
can you do clarifying after you remove braids? God bless you all.

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I'm pretty sure you can, especially if you have product build up. Clarifying would be good to do then.

If you liked the Pantene DMR conditioner, you will LOVE the Pantene Relaxed & Natural Conditioner
Stop trying to tempt me SG! I see that smiling face bouncing up and down on the trampoline. I am not falling for the okey doke
. Lemme finish up the DMR first (my version of it) and then I will move on to the R&N, no doubt!