My fingers are sore from uploading all these damn pictures.


Well-Known Member
I finally have net access back after 2 whole months of disconnectivity (oooh, big word!). I haven't updated since April 11, which is hard because I take pictures of my head every other day. All's well and good however, so have a look. I know a few of you have been waiting.

May album:

June album:

MTG album (new!):

I also updated my Protective Styles album (added two new dos), and my Skin album (shows my progress with Proactiv),so check those out.

I'm about 2-3 inches away rom BSL, so my goal has been pushed back to Septemeber instead of July. Thanks for looking! *wave* and your hair are STAR-LICIOUS!!!! *snaps fingers* Simply Gaw-juss!!! :lol:
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You're hair looks great...nice rollersets and I like the protective styles
You have the shiniest hair I've seen and your hair grows like a damn weed. Girl, you betta work!
:shocked: I love your hair! :love: So when are we swapping our products? I am really happy that your mom let you get that rinse. It looks great on you! It's Soooo purty! BTW you have a potty mouth :censored:
OKAY I must say I'm jealous between u and DSHY can some teach me how to make my rollers tight what in the heck do I do wrong. YOur hair is BEAUTIFUL.....its thick, its healthy it and what have you been putting in it. Its growing like crazy.
OneInAMillion said:
Your hair is sooooooo thick and healthy!!! I like the rinse too. How often are you applying the MTG?

Thanks! 3 times a week, but right now I'm alternating weeks with WGO. So it's like this:

Week 1:MTG on Monday, Thursday, Sunday
Week 2:WGO every day

It's been working really well for me like that.
Thanks, thanks, thanks. I would never have even thought to color my hair until you introduced me to the clear rinse. Girl, I have no idea. Charity is a slave driver and I have almost no days off. If it's cool with you, I may ask my Mom to take me to drop it off at your house...I'll PM or call you later. And I mouth is a little...well, you know. But damn isn't a cuss word. Ass isn't either. I love technicalities. :p
anky said:
:shocked: I love your hair! :love: So when are we swapping our products? I am really happy that your mom let you get that rinse. It looks great on you! It's Soooo purty! BTW you have a potty mouth :censored:
Lol, the only reason my rollersets look good is because my Mama does them. I suck at setting my hair. I have to PAY her to even run a comb through my hair. And I have a simple routine; look about 2 replies up. I wash my hair once a week with Suave Humectant, and I vary my conditioners between LUST and the Humectant shampoo. And I apply the MTG and WGO like I said in one of the other comments. I don't take my vitamins anymore (too much too remember right now, I'll start again later), so I'm going the purely topical method. I gain about 1 1/2 inches a month. Good enough for me.
caramelty said:
OKAY I must say I'm jealous between u and DSHY can some teach me how to make my rollers tight what in the heck do I do wrong. YOur hair is BEAUTIFUL.....its thick, its healthy it and what have you been putting in it. Its growing like crazy.
Starian, your hair looks great!


I can't wait till my hair gets long enough to try the protective styles you wear.

You are a very pretty girl! I'm glad you feel better 'cause you are beautiful. make me sick with ENVY....I still love ya tho' :kiss:!! You know I stalk your album:fan:

You have made awesome progress:love: