My FHI Runway arrived!!!!!


Well-Known Member
DH forgot to tell me that a package came while I was out today.

I will wash, dc & airdry in braids so that I can flat iron tomorrow:grin::grin::grin::grin:

ETA: I tested out my FHI Runway on a few pieces of a 3 day old twist out and got amazing results!!! My hair was super shiny with one pass on like 230 degrees:grin:

I am disappointed in myself though after spending the day doing my hair. I had no "swang" at all since I used too much Sabino Moisture Block. I only did a few sections but could definitely tell that I went overboard. I rewashed and am in braids to airdry & try again tomorrow.

I did make a video of the process though:
showing start to finish - from my prepoo through flat ironing. That was until my Canon Powershot S410 camera freaked out one too many times while filming. I guess it's time for a new camera since it's over 5 years old.
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:clapping: that’s fantastic! I hope it’s everything you want it to be and more! If you get a moment, l would love to hear your review and see some pictures of your beautiful results please :grin:
I bought the Runway back in June and I must say that I enjoy using it EVERY WEEK. This week when I washed my hair I blow dryed it to where it looks nice and fluffy with some curl to it so I didn't use the Runway. But now I am so tempted to use

Believe me you won't be disappointed with it.
^^^Is it safe to flat iron every week?

By the way, I have this iron and flat ironed a couple of weeks ago. It was so beautiful! :-)
Did you take pictures of your rewash and flat iron?
I liked your video. Did you air dry your hair or sit under a dryer?