This is how God feels about you...
He loves you without measure of success or failure.
Do you know that each of us fail in something each and everyday? I know that I do.
Here's a familiar example that you can bear witness to.
Each time, Shimmie says she is not going to 'debate' an issue in a thread.... sure enough something will get posted that 'triggers' that little fireball in me and then I start.
Do you think I've learned anything by now? Well, you'd think.
And angel, I'm not making light of your challenge. However, God's word says that a GOOD man will fall seven times but he will get back up again.
Don't give up, because I see something in your post that God is so proud of. I see a very humble heart who WANTS to right so very much and in this desire of yours, it has lead you to feel that you are a failure which indeed you are not. Baby, you are human, you are flesh, you are indeed loved in spite of what you have done or have not done.
Baby, it's not you who's giving up... it's satan trying to entice you, seduce you, push you into giving up; those thoughts of defeat are not coming to you from God for God never surrenders His desire to love you. Never. What He does surrender is a back hand :hardslap: to satan to leave you alone.
And that my angel, is what it's all about. Each time you fall, you get stronger and stronger and nothing can stop you from being an overcomer and more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who lives on the inside of you...Still and Always.
I love you...
And if I say it, I mean it; now how much more do you think that God loves you....even more.
Baby, you're going to be just fine. I don't care what you've done...neither does God. Your heart is repentant about it and that's counts for everything.