New Member
Well, I tried to use Elucence as a setting lotion and my hair came out horribly wrong. First I washed with Elucence's Clarifying Shampoo and then did a hot oil treatment with olive oil and cinnamon. I wash with CON and deep treated wih CPR. After that I used Elucence, rinsed and reapplied the Elucence. My hair was kinda tangly but I wasn't too concerned until the next step. I applied Break-Free and a bit of the Healthy Ends. That did it. My hair was tangled and hard. I tried to comb it with my wide tooth seamless comb and it wasn't happening. Then as a last resort, I decided to use a medium rat tail comb, some Elasta QP foam and rollerset anyway. I swear I heard my hair go "Oh no she didn't!
" I just gave up and pushed it all back and left it alone. It's still wet but I'm thinking of just jumping in the shower and rewashing to see if that helps. I have no idea what went wrong but the only thing I did different was the cinnamon. I don't even know what to do. I don't want to use my flat iron/curling iron but it looks like I'll have to again.