My experience with CRISCO on natural hair - AMAZING!


Well-Known Member
DH and I went with friends to DR and I decided to experiment with Crisco before we left. I did not tell anyone, I just went into the bathroom a few hours before our trip and braided up my hair, as usual. I had been wearing a braid out for 2 days (used Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue on day 1) and I decided to add Crisco to my damp hair.

It was obviously humid in DR but my natural hair miraculously did not puff up into the normal frizz ball. In fact, it was blowing in the wind in DR and looked amazing!!! I wish I had taken some video.

Here is my normal braid out in normal conditions (not humid).

Here is my braid out in the Miami humidity.

Here is my braid out in DR, after using Crisco.


A few days into the trip I confessed to DH what I had used and lo and behold he was not shocked and he did not laugh at me. In fact, he said his great grandma used lard (animal fat) in her hair when he was a little boy and he always remembered it since her hair was soft and shiny (hard press with a stove top straightening comb).

I am planning to wash, deep condition and braid my hair tomorrow for our trip home for Christmas. I am hoping for similar results.

If you are thinking about trying Crisco, just do it!!!!:grin:
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awesome I'm getting some tomorrow to DD hair for christmas braidout. Your hair looks beautiful....
The more I read and see the results of Crisco, the more I'm tempted to go buy some. The results don't lie! Your hair looks great! :)
How is Crisco different from using a hair butter?

OP is it because you have less shrinkage you prefer the Crisco? You hair seems to have more definition but more shrinkage in the first 2 pics.
The ingredients are: Soybean Oil, Fully Hydrogenated Palm Oil, Partially Hydrogenated Palm And Soybean Oils, Mono And Diglycerides, Tbhq And Citric Acid (Antioxidants).

Love the crisco braidout!!

Is it the crisco with these ingredients:

Or these:

I cannot compare since I never used a hair butter.

I prefer big hair. Humidity normally shrinks my hair.

How is Crisco different from using a hair butter?

OP is it because you have less shrinkage you prefer the Crisco? You hair seems to have more definition but more shrinkage in the first 2 pics.
Tempting but I already have super oil\acne prone skin so Crisco would not be good for me. If I had normal skin I would try.
Beautiful! I was wondering how this would work on a twist out. All the reviews I have seen are people pressing or flat ironing with it. I think I will give it a try this weekend.
Crisco is awesome on twists, too. I think the Crisco shampoo skit is dumb.:rolleyes: No one needs that much Crisco in their hair.:lol: For me, it washes out easy with no problem.
Just bought my first can of Crisco for the first time in eons. I don't dare tell dh what its really for. :lol: