My Engagement story


Well-Known Member
He proposed!

I know many of you already know about my recent engagement on December 17th. As promised here is my story of how it happened.

December 7th was our five year anniversary. Because I am a very frugal person and it's so close to Christmas, I always make him agree to no gifts at and staying in. But for some reason back in November, my SO kept saying this year we have to do it big and we will be celebrating the whole month since five years of a dating is a big accomplishment. In all honesty, I thought it was kind of odd. SO is very romantic, but I was the one who usually gets excited about all this stuff. So it was quite strange when SO decided he wanted to get us a hotel room in AC, make dinner reservations, and travel to NY during the month. (He hates everything about NY) The oddest part was that he decided we should have a dinner party for the holidays and it could be like another way to celebrate our anniversary.

I was reluctant at first, because 1.) I am a private person 2.) I stopped depending on people because I started to feel that many won't be around 3.) I not into spending money when we should save. However, SO was insistent that it would be great since we don't get to see our family and friends much and it's the holidays. I finally agreed. Of course, I planned everything including the guest list, location, time, menu etc because he wanted to make sure I was happy with everything. We decided to have it at Bahama Breeze.

Meanwhile, for once we decided we were going to get an anniversary/Christmas gift. I was trying to figure out what the price limit was. SO wouldn't tell me. I was insistent so I could make sure that we get something that is around the same caliber/value. He said don't worry about it because he got me the best gift ever and i can't come close to matching it. Instead, I talked him into giving me clues of what my gift would be. The first two clues was that it was shiny and "my-sized". Don't ask me why but the first thing that came to mind was aluminum foil. I continued to get about two different clues each week but I still couldn't get aluminum foil out of my head! LOL Regardless, I told him that whatever it is it better not cost too much & it better not be romantic and make me cry. (I'm a big crier and I hate crying)

So now, it's time for the dinner party. We showed up early so things could be set up. Or namely,my SO, set up because he kept disappearing. Before we saw everyone he pulled me aside to give me my gift. He put my gift on the table and I begin opening it. Lo and behold its a box of aluminum foil. Of course, I said, "I can't believe you really gave me aluminum foil." I couldn't fathom why he got me foil so I continue digging through the box. I started getting frustrated because I'm beginning to think it was really all he gave me as the box kept turning up empty of anything else but foil. Finally, I turn around to say something and I find him on his knee with engagement ring in hand. I immediately started crying. Of course the first thing I said was, "I told you not to make me cry." And he laughed. Next thing I know, all of our family and friends come to where we were and congratulate us. It was all such a blur. I didn't even hear what he said cause it was all so surreal to me. He told me he said, "(Full Name) I love you with all of my heart. Together we can conquer the world. Will you marry me?"

I couldn't believe that I planned my own engagement party and everybody knew about. It all felt like a dream. I just couldn't believe that it was happening. That night he surprised me with a hotel room and we spent the night touring Philadelphia. What really meant the most was knowing that people do care about me. He told me it was the whole reason why he wanted the party - prove to me that people care more than I realize. I truly feel as though I have the best fiance ever. He gave me the best gifts of all. The promise of a lifetime together and realization that I really do have friends & family that would do anything to make me happy.
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Wow. How special. You will remember that forever :yep: I wish your marriage much longevity. :kiss:
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FYI: In case you were wondering, catching the bouquet works! I caught the bouquet at my cousin's wedding this August.

Also at another wedding in August, my fiance caught the garter belt.
Congratulations on your engagement, and good luck with the wedding plans. What a thoughtful FH you have.
Cute story; I can't believe you really thought he would give you aluminum foil!:lachen:

And of course you have people who love and care about you; you are lovely lady, always remember that.:yep:

So thanks for posting; it was sweet of you to share your engagement story with us!

May God bless you and your husband-to be with a lifetime of love and happiness.:Rose:


That's an awesome story and I can sense a very solid foundation between you two. I hope you have many more anniversaries ahead.
Re: He proposed!

He put my gift on the table and I begin opening it. Lo and behold its a box of aluminum foil. Of course, I said, "I can't believe you really gave me aluminum foil." I couldn't fathom why he got me foil so I continue digging through the box.

I started getting frustrated because I'm beginning to think it was really all he gave me as the box kept turning up empty of anything else but foil. Finally, I turn around to say something and I find him on his knee with engagement ring in hand. I immediately started crying.

Of course the first thing I said was, "I told you not to make me cry." And he laughed. He told me he said, "(Full Name) I love you with all of my heart. Together we can conquer the world. Will you marry me?"

I couldn't believe that I planned my own engagement party and everybody knew about.

Ok, so all these quotes are about to make me cry. That was sooooo sweet of him!!! Congratulations.
Thanks so much everyone! I still can't believe it happened to me. I feel like that Kelly Clarkson song, "A Moment Like This"
Thank you everyone. And for the record, an Ipad was my second choice for a possible gift. So it wasn't just aluminum foil. LOL