My edges are dissapearing


Well-Known Member
My temple area is getting really thin and its starting to freak me out a bit. Like its almost completely gone. I really dont know whats going on.:nono:

My Regimen
-I dont comb or brush my hair at all
-I was and DC once per week
-I apply MT on my scalp in the morning and shikakai oil at night
-I moisturize and seal daily

When I first started noticing this I thought it was because of ll the manipulation or strain on my hair and scalp. So I stopped braiding my hair and I stopped combing it out. (i dont even finger comb anymore) I just pin my hair up really really loose... and its gotten worse..:wallbash:

The rest of my edges and nape are ok and my hair is growing fine its just that area... Any tips or products that can help me whip my edges into shape are deeply appriciated. TIA!!
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Your temples may be a different texture than the rest of your hair and may need a heavier moisturizer and oil than the rest of your hair.
I can only think of trying to use some temple growth on that particular area. I'm really confused though, how's your overall health other than your hair regimen. I've noticed that health just plays a bigger and bigger role in hair gain & loss.
Stop what your doing , The MT and the oil at night , or anything else thats risky or different or new and go back to things you know worked for you with no issues, until you find the culprit-it might not be the products-but these are your edges that are going -everything is worth trying at this point!
I think that area may need more moisture. It's probably a different texture, so it needs more TLC than the rest of your hair. Try using a mixture of peppermint oil and coconut oil on your temples. That has really helped my thinning edges. HTH

Have you been stressed lately? That could also be the culprit.
See a dermatologist ASAP....I just saw one and she gave me a script for my bald spot/thinning edge.

After another checkup she'll determine if its just stress, or chemical relaxer damage.

When all home remedies and bandwagons fail, you need to see a doctor...After a year of home remedies, that is what i had to do.

Watch your edges like a hawk and don't be afraid to seek a doctor's opinion.
I also agree with OP about stress. My doc asked me what have i been doing or going through in the last year.

Any deaths, miscarriage, job stress, etc..???

Now that i think back, yeah i was stressed! No deaths or anything like that but when i sat down and thought about what I had been through in the last year and the last few months that could inhibit growth then i had to almost agree.

We'll see though..think about your stress level. Stress affects people in different ways.

Some get dark circles, some are just fatigued, some are lethargic and some people actually lose their hair!
Your temples may be a different texture than the rest of your hair and may need a heavier moisturizer and oil than the rest of your hair.

I will try adding a little extra to this area and I'll see what happens. Thanks for the tip.

I can only think of trying to use some temple growth on that particular area. I'm really confused though, how's your overall health other than your hair regimen. I've noticed that health just plays a bigger and bigger role in hair gain & loss.

I've never had a real balanced diet. So my diet isnt where it should be. Im working on getting that in check. Thanks :)

Stop what your doing , The MT and the oil at night , or anything else thats risky or different or new and go back to things you know worked for you with no issues, until you find the culprit-it might not be the products-but these are your edges that are going -everything is worth trying at this point!

Yeah thats what I was thinking. I may just drop the MT. My hair grows fast without it anyway, I havent noticed any abnormal growth from it.

I think that area may need more moisture. It's probably a different texture, so it needs more TLC than the rest of your hair. Try using a mixture of peppermint oil and coconut oil on your temples. That has really helped my thinning edges. HTH

Have you been stressed lately? That could also be the culprit.

I ran out of coconut oil, will castor oil and peppermint oil be ok?
Yes I have been stressing a lot I just moved for college.

See a dermatologist ASAP....I just saw one and she gave me a script for my bald spot/thinning edge.

After another checkup she'll determine if its just stress, or chemical relaxer damage.

When all home remedies and bandwagons fail, you need to see a doctor...After a year of home remedies, that is what i had to do.

Watch your edges like a hawk and don't be afraid to seek a doctor's opinion.

I wont hesistate to go to the dermatologist if the home remedies dont work. I'll give it a bit longer to get better before I do though.(broke college student)

I also agree with OP about stress. My doc asked me what have i been doing or going through in the last year.

Any deaths, miscarriage, job stress, etc..???

Now that i think back, yeah i was stressed! No deaths or anything like that but when i sat down and thought about what I had been through in the last year and the last few months that could inhibit growth then i had to almost agree.

We'll see though..think about your stress level. Stress affects people in different ways.

Some get dark circles, some are just fatigued, some are lethargic and some people actually lose their hair!

Yes Im really stressed about school, my SO, my family, me health..etc.. but why is it only shedding in that one spot:ohwell:

Thank you so much for the tips and help ladies you guys brought some points up that I wouldve never even thought up. Thanks again!!
How long have you used the MT and Shikakai daily combo? I'm in agreement w/ Irrestible and MizzBrown on this one, but would like a bit more info from you OP. When did you start having this problem?

BTW, castor should be Ok as a substitute, if you can stand the stickiness and thickness of the oil.
Why is it only one spot? Hmmm, i dont know...just a random genetic/DNA thing.

Concentrate on not letting that spot grow into another or spread over your entire head.

That is my fear if i dont calm my stress level down. You keep stressing out and you'll notice a spot in the back of your head or nape of your neck...
How long have you used the MT and Shikakai daily combo? I'm in agreement w/ Irrestible and MizzBrown on this one, but would like a bit more info from you OP. When did you start having this problem?

BTW, castor should be Ok as a substitute, if you can stand the stickiness and thickness of the oil.

Ive used shikakai oil since march. I started using MT the first week of july. I dont recall when i first noticed my thinning edges. All I know is i looked in the mirror tonight and i just paused and lifted my hair to reveal my VERY thin temple area.:sad:

Why is it only one spot? Hmmm, i dont know...just a random genetic/DNA thing.

Concentrate on not letting that spot grow into another or spread over your entire head.

That is my fear if i dont calm my stress level down. You keep stressing out and you'll notice a spot in the back of your head or nape of your neck...

I hope not. Im going to stop with the mt and focus on bringing my stress level down. I will also up my moisture level and continue my low manipulation regimen. Hopefully by September/October I will be able to see a diffrence.
Do you wear headbands or scarves around your head? If so, maybe you are cutting off circulation to your hair and causing poor/stunted growth or traction alopecia from the rubbing.
Do you wear headbands or scarves around your head? If so, maybe you are cutting off circulation to your hair and causing poor/stunted growth or traction alopecia from the rubbing.

I wear a satin scarf at night but not tightly its so loose sometimes it begins to slip off at night. What is a good alternative?:sad:
I wear a satin scarf at night but not tightly its so loose sometimes it begins to slip off at night. What is a good alternative?:sad:
A satin scarf at night is probably fine (the silkiness of the fabric reduces friction and reduces the likelihood of breakage), especially since you don't tie it tight, but you could try wearing a satin bonnet if you wanted to try something new.

I was thinking about scarves tied around the head as a headband, not so much scarves tied over the hair at night.
Do you relax your egdes every time you do a touch up, it could come from overprocessing.
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idk, MT is what is bringing my edges back. -shrug- how long have you been using it?

i do agree that it may just be an area that needs more moisture cause of the texture. is it a different texture?
I think you should have your Dr. check your HB levels, if they are fine then check ferritin levels. Google ferritin anemia hair loss. Weight loss or stress can be contributing factors also- the list goes on.
Maybe get a nice oil like WGO and rub it in that area morning and night. And try to constantly massage it slowly whenever you remember
I think it could be a combo of the stress, MT or hormonal changes. Definitely get it checked at the doc. It may be something else.
when I had a relaxer - I had the thinnest temples.

The first thinkg I noticed after the cessation of the relaxer were fulller thicker edges.

That area is soooo fragile... I have used Cayenne pepper and peppermint oil on the edges too.....

Good luck.
Does the skin around your edges feel dry? I had that for the longest time after I quit relaxer. I recently applied a tiny bit of salt in some Nexxuss humectress around the edges, baggied it and left on overnight. Now my skin feels really moist. I think it's getting all the moisture I put on it now. Before it just seemed to evaporate.

I just tried once, not trying to kill this technique.
A satin scarf at night is probably fine (the silkiness of the fabric reduces friction and reduces the likelihood of breakage), especially since you don't tie it tight, but you could try wearing a satin bonnet if you wanted to try something new.

I was thinking about scarves tied around the head as a headband, not so much scarves tied over the hair at night.

Yea I try not to wear head bands because of that.. jeez im so paranoid:lachen:

Do you relaxer your egdes every time you do a touch up, it could come from overprocessing.

You know what,actually.. I did:blush: This makes perfect sense since I relaxed July 17th.

idk, MT is what is bringing my edges back. -shrug- how long have you been using it?

i do agree that it may just be an area that needs more moisture cause of the texture. is it a different texture?

Nope, Im all 4a. I mean if it was the mega tek I dont think that one spot would be the only part suffering. Its only my temples... this is so freakin weird!!:nono:

You can also try satin pillowcase to avoid all tension caused by scarves .

You know what, I actually do have new satin pillowcases packed somewhere, I just moved so I will have to dig it up.

I think you should have your Dr. check your HB levels, if they are fine then check ferritin levels. Google ferritin anemia hair loss. Weight loss or stress can be contributing factors also- the list goes on.

Im a broke college student, the Dr. visit will have to be my last resort. Especially with fall semester starting soon and move in days.. Im fresh out of $$:sad:

Maybe get a nice oil like WGO and rub it in that area morning and night. And try to constantly massage it slowly whenever you remember

Ive heard so much about WGO. I need to look it up, in the mean time I'll rub castor oil until I can get my hands on that stuff.

I think it could be a combo of the stress, MT or hormonal changes. Definitely get it checked at the doc. It may be something else.

Im begining to think its not the products at all because if it was I wouldve noticed sooner. Im begining to think its stress and the last relaxer I had 3 weeks ago. I may have overprocessed and I just moved into a new town trying to figure this whole school thing out. My face has been breaking out lately.. yea Im thinking stress.. I need to calm down.

when I had a relaxer - I had the thinnest temples.

The first thinkg I noticed after the cessation of the relaxer were fulller thicker edges.

That area is soooo fragile... I have used Cayenne pepper and peppermint oil on the edges too.....

Good luck.

Wow that sounds like a strong mix. I think my skin maybe too sensative for the cayenne and peppermint together. Sounds very interesting though..

Does the skin around your edges feel dry? I had that for the longest time after I quit relaxer. I recently applied a tiny bit of salt in some Nexxuss humectress around the edges, baggied it and left on overnight. Now my skin feels really moist. I think it's getting all the moisture I put on it now. Before it just seemed to evaporate.

I just tried once, not trying to kill this technique.

I tried this today, I added salt to my V05 Moisture Milks (i think thats what its called) and I left it in for about an hour maybe longer. Then I rinsed it out really good and applied a tad bit more V05 in my hair for extra moisture as a leave in. Afterwards I spraid an EO Mix on my scalp (containing:Water, Oil, Conditioner, Peppermint Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Rosemary Oil) its mostly water though.. I applied some WBC on my ends and sealed my hair with Avacoco Oil. THENNNNNN i braided my hair in 10 single prades and airdried its now in a satin bonnet and I'll see the results tomorrow. Hopefully I didnt burn the hairs off my head..

THANK YOU SO MUCH LADIES!!! I love that I can come on here and get support from you guys. Lord knows I was about to have a panic attack. I will try out some of your tips and homemade remedies. I'll give it a couple of weeks. If I dont see any improvement I'll go see a dermatologist. Thanks again ladies!!:blowkiss::grouphug3:
Castor oil would be fine, I also use that on my edges. Try to relax, stress always gets me in my weak area (the center of my head)...Whenever I'm overly stressed, that area lets me know.
When my edges were thinning I used ORS fertilizing serum mixed with about 3 drops each of rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, and white thyme essentail oils and a little MN and massaged just that area 7-8 minutes a day until it caught up with the rest of my hair. I did this for about 2 months and it worked great. I'm happy to say that my edges are back nice and full.

Good luck honey.
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When my edges were thinning I used ORS fertilizing serum mixed with about 3 drops each of rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, and white thyme essentail oils and a little MN and massaged just that area 7-8 minutes a day until it caught up with the rest of my hair. I did this for about 2 months and it worked great. I'm happy to say that my edges are back nice and full.

Good luck honey.

Hey Aggie!

I saw this product the other day- the ingredients sounded great, but I was wondering why it said do not use on your nape area:blush:. I know this thread is about edges, just curious, lol.

OP- I think your EO spray sounds really good:lick:. Good luck, I am sure you can bring those edges back.
Hey Aggie!

I saw this product the other day- the ingredients sounded great, but I was wondering why it said do not use on your nape area:blush:. I know this thread is about edges, just curious, lol.

OP- I think your EO spray sounds really good:lick:. Good luck, I am sure you can bring those edges back.

You know I saw that and had no idea why that is however I assumed it was because the hairs are slightly different in texture, but in truth, not sure. All I know is that it really worked for the edges in my temple area oh and yeah I remember that I liked the ingredients too.
Do you wear headbands or scarves around your head? If so, maybe you are cutting off circulation to your hair and causing poor/stunted growth or traction alopecia from the rubbing.

I was thinking this as well. Or maybe if you wrap your hair at night (to wear it down in the morning) that could be a problem as well. I noticed that when I used to wrap my hair the left side was shorter (and thinner) than the right.