My dry braid out


Well-Known Member
I had to go out today, but I haven't washed my hair in a week. *GASP* Yes a week. I was too busy with too many things then add the christmas preps and I didn't even have time to scratch my ass. lol As a result it was soooo greasy and limp.
Last night, I was too tired to think so I just added a little victoria's secret so sexy mousse and put two big ole' cornbraids in my hair, went to bed and forgot about it.
Got up this morning and carefully took out the cornrows and to my surprise I loved the results. I usually do about 6 to 8 cornrows for braid outs. Now I know that the secret is to just do two.
Can't believe it took me this long to figure this out and I've been doing braid outs for 16 years.
Anyway pics are in album! :)
For years I did four Pippi Longstocking type of braids for braidouts, but I found that I love the results with just two instead of four. To me, fewer braids cuts down on the frizziness. Congrats on your results!:)
I am liking the results!! So I am thinking any type of mousse would work as well? I haven't tried a braid out yet on wet hair, but when I try one, I have always wondered if I could air dry straight (or as straight as I could) and then add a little setting lotion or something to "set" the braids (on dry hair)....
Kitkat said:
For years I did four Pippi Longstocking type of braids for braidouts, but I found that I love the results with just two instead of four. To me, fewer braids cuts down on the frizziness. Congrats on your results!:)

That's exactly what it did. It cut down on the frizziness and it wasn't so big as it usually is.
blackbarbie said:
I am liking the results!! So I am thinking any type of mousse would work as well? I haven't tried a braid out yet on wet hair, but when I try one, I have always wondered if I could air dry straight (or as straight as I could) and then add a little setting lotion or something to "set" the braids (on dry hair)....

I'm not sure about any kind of mousse because I've tried several and didn't get this kind of hold. Victoria's secret mousse really holds curls tightly. But I'm sure that there are others that would give the same results.
I don't do braidouts on dripping wet hair for two reasons: it's pretty likely that the hair won't dry by morning, and it yields hair that's way too big and frizzy. I put some water in my hands and run it through the hair so that it's ever so slightly damp. Then I'll load the moisturizers in, using any combo of Keracare Oil Moisturizer w/Jojoba, ORS Olive Oil or Kiehl's Creme w/Silk Groom. Braid it up in two, leave it overnite, and voila! I love the results, and it takes so much less time than rollersetting.
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sweetcashew said:
I'm not sure about any kind of mousse because I've tried several and didn't get this kind of hold. Victoria's secret mousse really holds curls tightly. But I'm sure that there are others that would give the same results.

Are you talking about Victoria's Secret as in the lingerie store? There's a Victoria's secret in the mall but I have never taken a look to see if they have hair products. May have to look into that if I decide to do the braidout on my dry hair....Thanks for the feedback!
Thats one of my favorite styles..
I have been doing it that way for years

I also found out by mistake how nice it wavy!!
Sweetcashew....your hair is so pretty, I love the braid out. :)

And to think it only took two braids hair that wasn't shampooed to get these results. I've always washed mine first w/ lots of braids. Did you just part down the middle and cornrow back?
msshic said:
Sweetcashew....your hair is so pretty, I love the braid out. :)

And to think it only took two braids hair that wasn't shampooed to get these results. I've always washed mine first w/ lots of braids. Did you just part down the middle and cornrow back?

Yes, I part down the middle in a zigzag and braid backwards.
divinefavor said:
Very pretty! I wish I knew how to cornrow my hair. :perplexed


Thanks everyone. The next day my hair looked even better. I couldn't believe it. It started to look more like ringlets. It's day 3 and it's still going strong. However I am going to wash it. My head is itching like crazy!!!!
I really like this! I've always thought the best braids-out are dry, with a moisturizer. I've never tried it with only 2 braids. Thanks for sharing.