My Dominican Experience


New Member
So I traveled to Sun Valley (Ca) to try a new Dominican hair salon and I have to say that it was truly an experience.

First of all, I discussed my planned outting with my friend (natural 4a/b) and she insisted that she come along and get hair hair done as well. So we arrived at the shop and met with the stylist/owner - a beautiful Dominican lady who calls everyone Lovely (she was too cute). At any rate, she ask us what we wanted and I told her. So she looks at my hair and she looks at my friend her and she said the ultimate nono... "You hair I can get really straigth b/c you have the "good hair", but your hair I may not be able to get straight b/c your hair is not the "good hair". I was sooo taken back from that comment. Neither of us said anything we were jsut so shocked. But I knew she did not mean any harm (intentionally).

At any rate, She takes me to the bowl and she shampoo and deep conditions me (great products). After she conditioned, she took me back to the bowl and massaged my scalp with conditioner in it before rinsing me. After that, she set my hair on large rollers, placed me under this "hitech" looking hair dryer that she affectionately named "killer". After being up under killer for about 30 minutes I was completely dry. She then did the whole blow dryer thing and whoa-lah, my hair was Beautiful!
I was bouncy, thick and flowly. I loved it. That was when she said...

"Lovely, I want to give you this cut. I want to take off about this much" (She shows me how much she is going to cut)She conitnues... "that way, your hair would be more "flow" and more beautiful". So I gave in. At any rate... It was nice. Now I didn't have a style per se' (just straight down), But when I got home, I twist my hair in a bun and then when i let the bun out, I have waves and slightly bumped under hair. The next night, I wrapped my hair and that morning, it was beautiful. I paid $45 for everything which was okay ($25 for set/$8 cut/$12 tip)

My friend's hair came out quite nice also. She just had to go home and touch up her edges.

Now I will have to try this place for my next blow out.
Leejure, Do you know if she also sells dominican products?

P.S. Thank you for the review.
Good for you, Lee!!
It sounds like you had a good experience!!
Enjoy your new cut!!

Um, just one more thing... a $12.00 tip???!!!!
Dang, I feel like such a cheapie now... when my stylist relaxes/sets/trims my hair (for a whopping $78.50!!) I only give him $5 and the shampoo girl gets $2. And sometimes it kills me to give up my 5 bucks!!!
Pictures, lovely, pictures

I'm glad you had a good experience. Unfortunately Luisa of the famous Luisa's in MD told my non-fian's mother and sister that "they don't need perms, never" insinuating that some people of course need them.
But I'm just happy that it spurred both of them to not get relaxers anymore even though I told them that NO ONE NEEDS A PERM.
yea, lindy, i was
2 about that tip. I only tip $3-5 depending on the service. The most i've tipped was $10 and i was thinking, damn, now i can't get a chicken patty from golden crust

lee - don't even THINK about coming to any NY salons and tipping like that - the cheapies like me will suffer the consequences
CaramelHonee said:
The most i've tipped was $10 and i was thinking, damn, now i can't get a chicken patty from golden crust

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i really hate the term "good hair" but anyhoo...lee, i think its interesting that your blowout lasted and mine's reverted to a rollerset (my hair is still curly 10 days later!) maybe i should maintain my blowout with a bun instead of wrapping it. just a thought...
Well at my old salon, I usually tip $15 and that's b/c 3 people work on my hair. I never tell her how to divide it, I just give it to her and she works it out from there. For all I know, she may be keeping all the money to herself!

I was pleased with my hair and all, so I just gave her all the money I had in my purse which was 2 $20 and a $5 so I jsut gave it all to her. If I had $40 only, I would have just given her that. You feel me? But I have been told too-too many times that I tip too much (I'm always worried that someone doesn't get (as Arnold Schwanegger would say)..."daya faya shaya"

DahomeyAmazon said:
Now I will have to try this place for my next blow out.
Leejure, Do you know if she also sells dominican products?

P.S. Thank you for the review.

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You know, I didn't notice if she had any DOMINICAN products but she did have a shelf of products for sale. Being a non pj, i didn't check it out at all. I did however she her Salerm products

aregee said:
i really hate the term "good hair" but anyhoo...lee, i think its interesting that your blowout lasted and mine's reverted to a rollerset (my hair is still curly 10 days later!) maybe i should maintain my blowout with a bun instead of wrapping it. just a thought...

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Yep, I twisted my hair in a low bun and put a scarf around it, and when I took it out, my hair had nice deep waves. Then from there, I wrapped it. Oh, I forgot to mention that for the wedding, I did bump my hair with a curling iron.
I love hearing dominican salon stories; I'm glad you liked your hair!
So glad you reviewed this place. Even though I don't have "the good hair" either, I'm planning to take a trip out there
leejure said:
DahomeyAmazon said:
Now I will have to try this place for my next blow out.
Leejure, Do you know if she also sells dominican products?

P.S. Thank you for the review.

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You know, I didn't notice if she had any DOMINICAN products but she did have a shelf of products for sale. Being a non pj, i didn't check it out at all. I did however she her Salerm products


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Next time i'm in town, I will stop in to find out what she's selling.
lisatamika said:
So glad you reviewed this place. Even though I don't have "the good hair" either, I'm planning to take a trip out there

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I know that you are only joking but you have lovely hair
buffalosoldier said:
lisatamika said:
So glad you reviewed this place. Even though I don't have "the good hair" either, I'm planning to take a trip out there

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I know that you are only joking but you have lovely hair

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**blushing** Thanks! That means a lot coming from a non-chickenhead.
It sounds like you had a lovely Dominican experience.

Girl, check and see what Dominican products she uses and sells.
i hate the term "good hair" my hair stylist used to say it all the time and I dropped him. He started comparing me to other clients. Saying their hair was bad and mine wass good or my hair looked bad compared to someone elses's. BUt i'm glad you had a great experience.
Karonica said:
CaramelHonee said:
The most i've tipped was $10 and i was thinking, damn, now i can't get a chicken patty from golden crust

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buffalosoldier said:
lisatamika said:
So glad you reviewed this place. Even though I don't have "the good hair" either, I'm planning to take a trip out there

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I know that you are only joking but you have lovely hair

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ITA! Lisa your hair is beautiful.
And I will go with you if/when you decide to venture out!
Having "el pelo bueno" vs having "el pelo malo" is a big deal in the DR. That is why there is a salon on every corner there, even in those rural areas that are in the middle of nowhere. Hehe
dreemssold said:
Lee...your hair came out so pretty
! I don't guess Sun Valley is in Northern Cali, by any chance? *fingers crossed*

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Thank you very much.

Unfortunately its in Southern California!
Glad to hear about your salon visit. At the beginning of your story, I was like
... I'm delighted to hear that you like your hair style.
leejure said:
dreemssold said:
Lee...your hair came out so pretty
! I don't guess Sun Valley is in Northern Cali, by any chance? *fingers crossed*

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Thank you very much.

Unfortunately its in Southern California!

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Oh well...a gal's gotta try. Thanks!