My dilemma....


New Member
I have a major dilemma.

My breakage is a lot worse than I'd like it to be. The entire middle of my hair has broken off to about 2 inches. Its not too noticeable. Fortunately the top and sides of my hair are long enough to kind of cover it. That's the upside of my problem.
The down side is that while the hair that hasn't broken off is shoulder length, my overall sillouette is very thin. I don't think my hair has ever been this thin. It hasn't. And yet my tail is creeping down my back. That's even more frustrating. I keep cutting it and cutting it. I think two months ago I cut off a good inch, just to keep it in line with the rest of my normally growing hair and now its back, longer than ever!
so that is my dilemma. I think the worst of the breakage is over. But I'd like to see my hair looking more stream lined. I want to cut it but then I dont.

I just got to shoulder length. I just reached a goal. This set back is pretty discouraging. i'm wondering if I should just live with it until the broken areas have grown in or if I should just start over and give myself another bob.

The one thing I have in my favor is that my hair grows. Fast and well. So cutting would be a momentary pain. But if I leave it , I have to deal with all these different lengths. I know that my hair will be in full recovery by Feb. So technically if I cut it now, it would be about 5 months before my lenght would be shoulder length again. ]
But then I think, If I leave it alone, I could cut in 5 months and it would all be even, but below my shoulders.
I know this should probably be an easy decision but I still would like some input.
Do you know why your hair broke in the first place? What's your regimen like?

At first I didn't even realize it was happening, much less why it happened. Even after i realized what was happening it wasn't until I posted my regimen here that I was able to get some help. My wonderful LHCF sistas told me it was a combination of relaxer issues, too much protein, too little moisture.

so my regimen is under construction right now. I'm holding off on my next relaxer until I'm sure my hair is in top condition. I'll give it another month.
I've got at least 4-5 different lengths going on on my head right now. Frustrating
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Try Design Essentials 6-N-1 Reconstructive Conditioner. Its very moisturizing for chemically processed or damaged hair. It has natural oils, proteins and humectants to help and prevent hair breakage.

Maybe I'm length obsessed but that would be MY suggestion!

I know, I know! But I am also eveness obsessed. I hate having all these layers. And I'm used to more thickness too. I absolutely love the look of an all one length hairstyle. My dilemma comes from the fact that I am closer to my goal (technically) than I've ever been. But if I do decide to cut, it would be a 5 month set back. But then again, wow, what would my hair look like in 5 months!....
Decisions, decisions! Its usually not this hard for me. I can be very very decisive.

I just can't stand all these layers, UGH!!!:nono:

Just an additional note:

I have identified the cause of my breakage. Right now I'm trying to decide whether to even my hair out now (and loose length) or even it out 5 months from now (and not loose my mind). :grin:
Does your hair grow in a V shape? If so, getting rid of the V is kinda hard. I have cut, cut, cut, cut and cut my V and it still grows back the same:nono:.

I to like the blunt cut, but I have come to grips with my hair. Maybe one day the hair gods will see fit to let me have a blunt...until then V it is.

Take a pic from behind on a white shirt if it looks good then leave it alone. Hair on white shirts tell no lies:yep:


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Does your hair grow in a V shape? If so, getting rid of the V is kinda hard. I have cut, cut, cut, cut and cut my V and it still grows back the same.

Take a pic from behind on a white shirt if it looks good then leave it alone. Hair on white shirts tell no lies

So THAT's why I can't get rid of my tail. You know, up until now my hair wasn't long enough for me to even care if I was V shape. But now that you put it like that, it makes perfect sense. I've done the same thing you've done. Cut cut cut cut, cut some more. I mean not only is the hair back there on super grow, it's practically indestructable. I mean considering all that I've done to my hair plus the resulting damage, its thriving!!! I dont' get it! What I do wish is that my whole head was like that! Thanks for understanding and explaining. :)
So long as your ends arent split, I think that you should wait it out.

Wear your hair in curls or in protective styles like buns- you wont notice the unevenness.
So THAT's why I can't get rid of my tail. You know, up until now my hair wasn't long enough for me to even care if I was V shape. But now that you put it like that, it makes perfect sense. I've done the same thing you've done. Cut cut cut cut, cut some more. I mean not only is the hair back there on super grow, it's practically indestructable. I mean considering all that I've done to my hair plus the resulting damage, its thriving!!! I dont' get it! What I do wish is that my whole head was like that! Thanks for understanding and explaining. :)

No problemo:grin:! And to give you more inspiration there are some beautiful V shaped waistlength and brastrap heads of hair on this board:yep:
So long as your ends arent split, I think that you should wait it out.
I think so too. Now that I know I'm V shaped, its more tolerable. I actually find it kind of cool. I like the look of V shaped hair, but at the length and thickness of my hair now, it doesn't look all that great. I'm excited to see what my hair will look like in 5 months. Not counting the broken off parts, this really is the longest my hair has been in years.
Actually my ends not being split is the one thing I console myself with. Despite all the trauma, they are in really good shape. I haven't really had to trim since March and they're still doing fine.

No problemo! And to give you more inspiration there are some beautiful V shaped waistlength and brastrap heads of hair on this board
True! I'm going off to stalk some albums. Also I have to say that my hair looks similar to your thumbnail in your last post, the way it's combed to the side. Any suggestions on good albums? I don't know who else in here has v-shaped hair.
True! I'm going off to stalk some albums. Also I have to say that my hair looks similar to your thumbnail in your last post, the way it's combed to the side. Any suggestions on good albums? I don't know who else in here has v-shaped hair.

I can't remember specifics name... I just remember their hair from their sigs in passing threads. Do a search on V shaped hair and blunt shaped. You might find something in there.